Sustainable practice 1/Where do you stand?

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To have another look at your values in relation to issues and difficulties in your life and the world.


  1. Download the Where do you stand activity sheet
  2. Read each statement with the following statements covered up
  3. Decide whether you agree or disagree with the statement - there is no fence sitting! You must agree or disagree, even if it's not whole-heartedly
  4. Continue on to the next statement
  5. Evaluate any contridictions you may make along the way and look at how your answers reflect your values.

NB This activity was created by an Instructor at the NZ Outward Bound School. It is done in an atmosphere of openness and support, with the appropriate follow up. Not all statements will be appropriate for your situation. Please choose those that are and use the examples to design your own for your context. Thanks.

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