Sustainable practice 1/Reflective practice

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Reflective Practice is about Ownership of Knowledge

•Reflective Practice is about awareness of the knowledge we use, how that use is and how we can improve our action in real time.

•Reflective Practice is about how our minds work and how we use and create theories in practical situations.

•It is about invisible and visible, tacit and explicit, blindness and sight.

•Reflective Practice is about flexibility, adaptation and effectiveness.

Reflective Practice = Evolving Brains

•If our theories-in-use are stagnant so are our brains, neurons and synapses.

•If we reduce our learning to the methods and techniques, our knowledge goes out of date in a short period time and our brain will get old faster.

•If we can renew our theories (espoused and in-use) and the conceptual framework that are behind them, as a permanent attitude, we will be able to dialogue with the disruptive changes that the future will bring to our lives.

Source: Urban Studies and Planning