Summary of Day Five Activities

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Summary of Day Five Activities

Date:Friday 16 March, 2007

By Nadhiya Ahmed

The day's programme involved mainly (3) activities

Activity 1

In the morning session, groups continued to complete their work (continuation of day 4) on the Wiki and good progress was made by tea-break for most of the groups. After the tea break the groups went to different rooms and finished their work by lunch time.

Activity 2

Just after Lunch all the groups moved to the same room and Joseph from South African Quality Authority made a very interesting presentation on, “Recognition of learning across the Commonwealth ensuring Quality Qualification”

key points discussed in the presentation on “Recognition of learning across the Commonwealth ensuring Quality Qualification”

One main question

Why is a maintaining quality assurance framework a problem?
  • Different understanding and uneven quality practices
  • Different schools of thought
  • Lack of trust (not trusting each others Quality)
Five options were offered
  • To develop a Commonwealth quality framework through association of qualification authority
  • National Qualification Authorities or Ministries to Link with each other
Countries are at different stages on development of National Qualification Framework
  • The development of one credible regional institution
  • A credible body represented by the Commonwealth states could facilitate the process of quality assurance
  • Multiple options with special emphasis on option four

After the presentation groups moved again into individual rooms to carry out activity 3

Activity 3

As a final activity groups put a team effort and commented on each others work on the wiki.

What I learned from today’s session

Learning is enhanced when it is more like a team effort than a solo race…Good learning is collaborative and social, not competitive and isolated (Gerdy, 1998) --Nadhiya 15:18, 19 March 2007 (CET)