Stress and Stress Management
What is Stress?
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Stress or pressure is a normal, necessary part of our daily lives. In order to function in an efficient and effective manner a certain stress level is required. However too much pressure can be a risk to health, can reduce effectiveness, can lead to extreme tiredness and lead to mental breakdown.
Different things can cause stress and they are called stressors.Each person reacts differently to same stressors. This depends on the individuals ability to cope.However a person can learn to manage stress to prevent it from becoming harmful.
The objective of this activity is to show that different people react differently to stressors. Individually read the list of stressors below and rank them from 1 as most stressfull to 10 as least stressful.
Compare your ranking with those of other individuals
Causes of Stress/Potential Factors
As we have seen previously the main cause of stress is our inability to cope with stressors. Stressors are found in our environment, while our ability or inability to cope depends on how we personally react to situations. Here are some examples of some situations that cause stress.
Some stressors at school:
- Difficulty to read
- Unable to finish class work
- trouble with the teacher
- truancy
- Unable to clearly explain situations
- being bullied
- homework
- Poor assessment results
- exams
- lack of school material
changing school
Some stressors at home:
- housework
- parents/siblings who drink
- home violence
- low income
- no place for quiet time or study
- illness
Other stressors:
- caught smoking or drinking
- preparing for a performance
- death of a friend or relative
- loosing a job
- changing jobs
- managing difficult relationships
- moving house
- losing friends
- leaving home
- making decisions
Body's Reaction to Stress
The body reacts to stress in different ways In the short term you can notice some of the following:
- mind becomes alert
- quick reactions
- dry mouth
- tension in neck and shoulders
- faster breathing
- faster heart rate
- high blood pressure
- sweaty palms
- diarrhoea
- butterflies in the stomach
- lump in throat
- nervous laughter
- bursting into tears
- fidgeting
- nail biting
If the stress continues and you do not do anything to cope with it here are some of the long term effects it can have on the body:
- headaches
- diziness
- ulcers
- blurred vision
- forgetfulness
- indigestion
- disturbed sleep
- muscle aches
- tension
- fear
- irritability
- nervousness
- loss of confidence
- depression
- anxiety
- nightmares
- drug dependence
- excessive drinking
- heart trouble
- loss of appetite
- mental breakdown
Assessing one's mental and emotional health
Prevention Strategies/Coping with Stress
The Carver COPE contains 53 items in which participants are asked to denote how often they usually employ a particular coping style. The participant responds according to a 5-point ordinal scale format with the following choices: “never,” “rarely,” “sometimes,” “often,” or “always.” They are then asked to rate which coping strategies “generally” used, which would indicate an overall disposition towards certain coping styles. Use the following scale to determine the coping styles and later categorize these styles into problem-focused, emotional focused or dysfunctional. Please respond to the questions below. Even though the questions are in the Multiple Choice format, there are no right or wrong answers. Instructions Please rate each of the following items from 1 to 5 in the space provided. Indicate how often you engage in these types of activities when you encounter a difficult, stressful or upsetting situation. NEVER RARELY SOMETIMES OFTEN ALWAYS