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Live Online Meetings

Live online event on WiZiQ with participants worldwide, their stories and others such as: Sir Ken, Garr Renolds, and Clarissa Anderson

Visual Storytelling

February 6, 2009

Storytelling via dance

Dance Your Ph.D.

PhD Title: Environmental Controls of Phytoplankton Community Structure in the Santa Barbara Channel, CA: Application to the Dynamics and Detection of Harmful Diatom Blooms

  • Uneasy Alchemy Citizens and Experts in Louisiana's Chemical Corridor Disputes (1999) from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Department of Science and Technology Studies. I am currently an associate professor and Director of the Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies at Virginia Techs National Capital Region Campus.

Title: The Mechanism of Agrin's Function in Synaptogenesis Degree: MD/PhD program at UC Davis, with a PhD in Neuroscience. Graduate student; Expected graduation date: 2011

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Video Recordings of Live Online Sessions on Storytelling

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Professor Richard Green's Videos

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