Sport Informatics and Analytics/ePortfolio

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This assessment item requires you to document your activities online throughout the course and present them in an electronic portfolio (ePortfolio). The ePortfolio is a public record[1] of your learning journey[2][3] through this course. The style and format of the ePortfolio are open to you but must reflect your participation and engagement in the course's learning activities.[4] The ePortfolio should demonstrate evidence of regular and continuous reporting of and reflection on your involvement in the course.

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Your ePortfolio

There are three assessment points for the ePortfolio:

  • Introduction (20% of the total marks for the unit)(Week 5 formative assessment)
  • Development (30% of the total marks for the unit) (Week 10 formative assessment)
  • Refinement (Final) (50% of the total marks for the unit) (Week 15 summative assessment)

For each stage of the assessment, 40% of the marks available in this assessment item will be allocated to evidence of continuous engagement in learning activities throughout the stage of the course. 60% of the marks available in this assessment item will be allocated to evidence of in depth, thoughtful, questioning, insightful reflection on the course's learning activities and the completion of a supervised (machine) learning task.

Evidence of continuous engagement is defined as:

  • Participation in, and reflecting on, the course's learning activities.
  • Exploration that extends your critical engagement with the course’s content.
  • Responsiveness to the work of other course participants.

Evidence of depth and insightfulness is defined as:

  • Demonstrate ability to think, question, read, research, and investigate within the unit's learning activities.
  • The quality of writing, use of citations, hyperlinks, clarity of expression and explanation, voicing of opinions, discussion of ideas with others, use of relevant images, and use of examples.
  • The inclusion of additional contributions to your e-portfolio through other sharing opportunities (presentations, wikis videos, blog posts).
  • The total mark for this assessment item will represent 100% of the final grade for the course.

An example of a marking rubric for the ePortfolio assessment can be found here.

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24 Guiding Questions

As you work your way through this course and compile your ePortfolio, you might like to consider these twenty-four questions.

Theme 1 Introductions

Q1. What are your thoughts about a non-linear course in which you are the driver of your own learning pathway?

Q2. How might we help you to connect with others on the course?

Q3. Do you have any resources you would like to recommend for inclusion in the course?

Q4. Is there a difference between Informatik and Informatics?

Q5. What distinguishes Sport Analytics from Sport Informatics?

Q6. What is the relationship between Informatik, Informatics, Analytics and Performance Analysis?

Theme 2 Pattern recognition

Q 7. What is systematic about ‘systematic’ observation?

Q 8. Do we need to concern ourselves about the reliability and validity of data?

Q 9. Why is it important to de-identify performance data?

Q10. What did you discover in the shared dataset?

Q11. What have you learned about supervised learning approaches?

Q12. What are your thoughts about how we relate patterns of performance to moments of performance within games?

Theme 3 Performance Monitoring

Q13. What aspects of this topic are of particular interest to you?

Q14. What criteria would you use to decide which wearable technologies to use?

Q15. Were there any aspects of the work of universities, centres, and sport you found informative?

Q16. Have you used any video tracking technology or video monitoring data?

Q17. Do you have any concerns about the validity and reliability of data gathered from wearable technologies or video tracking?

Q18. Are there any ethical issues involved in monitoring data collected in the ways discussed in this theme?

Theme 4 Audiences and Messages

Q19. Is ‘augmented information’ a helpful description of the ways you share information?

Q20. Does ‘feedforward’ have any place in your work?

Q21. Do you have any experience of using infographics?

Q22. Are there any visualisation approaches that you recommend?

Q23. Is the concept of a personal learning environment helpful in your practice?

Q24. Can you visualise your personal learning environment?

Some background information

The Australian ePortfolio Project [5] defines a portfolio as "a collection of work, objects or items selected by the portfolio author that provides evidence of a particular nature for a particular purpose".

An ePortfolio is a digital repository [6] of these objects and items (also known as artefacts ).

An ePortfolio creates a personal learning environment in which you can:

collect your work in a digital archive; select specific pieces of work (hyperlink to artifacts) to highlight specific achievements; reflect on the learning demonstrated in the portfolio, in either text or multimedia form; set goals for future learning (or direction) to improve; and celebrate achievement through sharing this work with an audience.[7].

An ePortfolio includes:

  • Representations of practice.
  • Engagement with key ideas in practice and in the literature.
  • An autobiographical, reflective commentary that takes an inquiring and critical stance.[8].

An ePortfolio:

is, in effect, the tip of a ‘learning journey’ iceberg. It is the culmination of a usually protracted, messy, and very personal developmental process. A process ideally controlled and driven by the learner, though the extent to which any given individual feels comfortable and able to shoulder this initiative inevitably varies widely through time and from person to person, making the notions of active and repeated peer support, mentoring and expert coaching key.[9].

The literature on ePortfolios discusses the importance of authenticity[10], critical thinking[11] and reflection. See, for example, Darina Scully, Micahel O'Leary and Mark Brown's (2018) discussion of a learning portfolio.[12] It includes a reflection on digital identity[13] too.

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Go to this web resource.

  • Look at sections 3, 4 and 5 in particular.
  • Identify any aspects of the guidance there that might help you think about your ePortfolio as a personal learning environment.

Creating your ePortfolio

One of the key teaching philosophies of the OERu is "to embed the acquisition of new digital literacies into your OERu learning journey"[14]. This Sport Informatics and Analytics course uses an ePortfolio to encourage your acquisition of these digital literacies.

Phillippa Butler says of an ePortfolio:

Many different kinds of evidence can be used in a portfolio: samples of writing, both finished and unfinished; photographs; videos; research projects; observations and evaluations of supervisors, mentors and peers; and reflective thinking about all of these. In fact, it is the reflections on the pieces of evidence, the reasons they were chosen and what the portfolio creator learned from them, that are the key aspect to a portfolio[15].

You have a range of options to consider when creating and curating your ePortfolio. Three of the options you have are:

  • To use a blogging platform.[16]
  • To use a wiki.
  • To use an ePortfolio platform such as Mahara.


OERu has guidelines to setting up Wordpress and Blogger blog accounts. You might find John Mackintosh's (2017)[17] and Tom Woodward's (2018)[18] suggestions about blogging helpful in taking your first steps in blogging in your ePortfolio.
There are a variety of wiki platforms available. Two options are Wikispaces and Google Sites. Wikispaces has a guide to creating a wiki for educational use. Montclair State University offers this guide to creating a Google Sites wiki. York St John University has a short video guide to creating a Mahara ePortfolio.

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Aggregating and curating

An ePortfolio is a space to aggregate and curate digital objects for readers to find your work in one place. For example, the Sport Informatics and Analytics course has a blog that uses #UCSIA15, #UCSIA16, #cssia17 and #cssia18 tags. The resources for the unit are brought together in this Google Site.

Hashtags are a very helpful way of sharing, curating and aggregating resources for personal and community of practice use. The hashtag for this unit is #OERuSIA.

Information about your ePortfolio

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Assessment option

If you decide to submit an ePortfolio for assessment, we will require some basic information about you. This form asks you to provide your name, email address and an ePortfolio url.

You can send this information directly to the unit convenor if you wish.


  1. Galarnyk, Michael (9 July 2018). "How to Build a Data Science Portfolio". Retrieved 16 July 2018.
  2. Ryan, Mary (6 November 2014). "Reflective and Reflexive Approaches in Higher Education: A Warrant for Lifelong Learning?".
  3. Scully, Darina; O'Leary, Michael; Brown, Mark (2018). "The Learning Portfolio in Higher Education". Retrieved 19 February 2018.
  4. Goldfarb, Anna (23 July 2019). "A Beginner’s Guide to Keeping a Journal". Retrieved 25 July 2019.
  5. Australian ePortfolio Project.[ "ePortfolio use by university students in Australia: Informing excellence in policy and practice: Final Project Report"], 2008. Retrieved on 20 December 2015.
  6. Research Libraries Group. "Trusted Digital Repositories: Attributes and Responsibilities", 2002. Retrieved on 20 December 2015.
  7. Helen Barrett. "Authentic Assessment with Electronic Portfolios using Common Software and Web 2.0 Tools", 2006. Retrieved on 20 December 2015.
  8. Chris Trevitt, Claire Stocks & Kathleen Quinlan. "Advancing assessment practice in continuing professional learning: toward a richer understanding of teaching portfolios for learning and assessment", 2012. Retrieved on 20 December 2015
  9. Chris Trevitt, Anne Macduff & Aliya Steed. "ePortfolios for learning and as evidence of achievement: Scoping the academic practice development agenda ahead", 2014. Retrieved on 20 December 2015.
  10. White, Alison (2019). "ePortfolios: Integrating Learning, Creating Connections and Authentic Assessments". Blended Learning Designs in STEM Higher Education. pp. 167–188.
  11. Farrell, Orna; Seery, Aidan (2018). "“I am not simply learning and regurgitating information, I am also learning about myself”: learning portfolio practice and online distance students". Distance Education
  12. Scully, Darina; O'Leary, Michael; Brown, Mark (2018). "The Learning Portfolio in Higher Education". Retrieved 19 February 2018.
  13. White, Olivia et al (2019). "Digital identification". Retrieved 20 April 2019.
  14. OERu. "Digital skills for collaborative OER development/Orientation/Digital literacies", 2015. Retrieved on 12 January 2016.
  15. Phillippa Butler. [ "A Review Of The Literature On Portfolios And Electronic Portfolios"], 2006. Retrieved on 20 December 2015.
  16. Stephen Downes. "How To Be Heard", 28 July 2005. Retrieved on 22 March 2019.
  17. John Mackintosh. "Time To Shine", 30 December 2017. Retrieved on 17 February 2017.
  18. Tom Woodward. "ePortfolios: Competing Concepts", 16 November 2018. Retrieved on 17 November 2018.