Soft skills

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Soft skills are a wide field of skills. Some skills need a lot of training.

Icon activity.jpg
Make a list of soft skills you need and a list of soft skills your students need

Wikipedia-logo-en.png soft_skills
Wikipedia has an article on this subject.

Visit soft_skills for more in depth information

You should start reading about soft skills. (follow the wikipedia link in the box)

We use the PDCA circle to help the student reflect on her activities.


Where to start

As always start where the student is.

Training process

  1. Start with a demo, an example, a video, of the behaviour that will be trained.
  2. Give some facts if necessary.
  3. Some students act the behaviour
  4. The teacher helps improving the behaviour
  5. Students practice the behaviour in class, at home and in workplace.
  6. The teacher helps to improve the behaviour.
  7. Try to use the behaviour in different situations.
  8. Students are encouraged to use the learned behaviour.
  9. Teacher will after some time (weeks, months) test the new behaviour.


Some knowledge is necessary to learn soft skills. To train in using open questions one must know the difference between open and closed questions.

Students should know some things about learning and training.

Learning new behaviour: from conscious to automatic. from rigid and inflexibly to adapted and flexible.

Home work

As soft skills need a lot of training students are encouraged to use every opportunity to practice.

Icon activity.jpg
Choose a softskill and try it out in different circumstances. Even the teacher should train her soft skills