Selecting the questions

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Designing a script

  • what is the purpose of the Interview or presentational situation?
    • review the learners progress
    • to recognise and celebrate your achievements;
    • discuss the learners plans for the future;
    • provide interview experience.
  • Possible questions to start break the ice:
    • Take two or three minutes to tell us about yourself
    • Tell us about your Year in the sixth Form
    • Tell us how your Career Plans have moved on since your Careers interview
  • Posible Prompts (if needed):
    • What were the Hi-lights of your Year?
    • What was the most challenging thing you had to do during the Year?
    • What skills have you developed this year?
    • Have you noticed any differences in the way that you work/learn now from how you worked/learnt in year Yr 11?
    • Do you feel that you have developed as a Learner? Are you an Independent Learner? How do you prefer to work/learn?
    • How do you manage your time when you are working on an investigation/project?
    • Have you taken part in any extra-curricula activities (Mock Trial, Football etc) - Any evidence in your PDF?

  • Base questions on CV. You will need to keep it update and make sure that includes details of the ‘key competencies’, qualifications and experiences required by your chosen job/employment area. This is best placed towards the top of the CV in the Personal Profile section. A statement such as ‘…….. , seeking employment in retail management’.
  • Also, think about, and have an example of the following sorts of situations and scenarios:
    • A situation where you resolved conflict with a colleague
    • A time you worked to a tight deadline
    • The project or piece of work you are most proud of
    • A time when something went wrong and what you did to resolve it
    • An example that demonstrates good leadership skills
    • An example of working as a team to achieve a common goal
  • Interview questions will focus on past situations and your behaviour and performance in those situations. Questions are likely to start with:
    • Please give me an example when. . .
    • Please describe an occasion when
    • Tell me about a time when
    • Describe a situation where
    • What would you do if
      • How exactly did you do that?
      • Tell me exactly what steps you took to resolve that
      • What was the basis for that decision
      • By investigating further the interviewer is trying to discover more about your skills as well as looking for clues which may suggest that you are exaggerating your part in the process or have created a complete fabrication.

  • Possible Questions – further example can be found on the internet using the keywords “competency based questions” +interview +[chosen job]
  • Describe an occasion when you worked well as a member of a team?
    • What role did you take in the team?
    • What do you think you contributed to the work of team?
    • What did you learn from working as member of the team?
    • How did other team members interact with you?
  • Describe an occasion where you set yourself targets and planned how to meet them?
    • How did you seek information on ways to achieve what you want to do
    • Identify factors that might affect your plans
    • Use this information to set realistic targets and clear action points
    • Plan how you will manage your time, use support, review progress and overcome possible difficulties

  • How did you take responsibility for your learning and using your plan?
    • Manage your time effectively to meet deadlines
    • Revise your plan as necessary
    • Choose ways of learning to improve your performance
    • Work independently (at times)
    • Adapt your approaches to meet new demands
    • Reflect on your progress
    • Seek feedback and relevant support to help you meet your targets
  • How did you review progress and establish evidence of achievements?
    • Provide information on the ways you have used your learning to meet new demands
    • Provide information on the factors affecting the quality of the outcome
    • Identify the targets you have met and gather evidence of your achievements
    • Consult appropriate people to agree ways to further improve your performance
  • Give an example of how you have organised a project or an event?
    • Explain how you ensured that you met deadlines?
    • Were you pleased with the event or project?
    • Why were you pleased?
    • What went well? What would you do differently?
  • Give examples of when you have communicated with other people effectively?
    • Show us a written report that you are proud of?
    • Show us evidence that you have delivered an effective presentation to an audience
    • Show us evidence that you have communicated effectively 1:1
    • Give an example of a difficult or sensitive situation that required extensive communication.
    • Tell me about a time when you really had to pay attention to what someone else was saying, actively seeking to understand their message.

  • Additional Questions
    • Describe a situation where you disagreed with a colleague. What was the issue and how did you resolve it?
    • Describe a situation where you worked to a tight deadline on a project. What did you do to ensure that you met the required timescales?
    • Describe a situation where there were problems with a project. How did you identify the project and what did you do to mitigate or overcome those difficulties?
    • Leadership is an important aspect of this role. Please tell me about an occasion where you showed strong leadership, and the reaction you received from your peers and direct reports?
    • Please give me an example of a situation where you worked together well with others as a team to achieve a specific goal.