Secrets of soil
From WikiEducator
Grade and topic
Grade 6 Agriculture
Curriculum references
- Understand soil
- Using computers to study and document things
Concept / Topic To Teach
- Soil structure and fertility
Standards Addressed
General Goal(s)
Understand layout of soils and soil types
Specific Objectives
Required Materials
- Soil samples
- XO laptops or Windows laptop
- Digital camera
- Reef and Rainforest books and wiki access
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In)
- Introduce soil types on blackboard.
- Demonstrate the soil samples and features.
- Point out examples in the book, show the students examples in the wiki
- Compare Marovo and English names
- Explain the excursion/outdoor activity
Step-By-Step Procedures
Plan For Independent Practice
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set)
- Students look in the books and wiki for soil types (could be a follow up lesson)
- Group presentations and discussion
- Teacher summarises findings
- Teacher selects content for uploading to wiki
Assessment Based On Objectives
- Assess the group presentations
- Assess students books
- Questions on blackboard including some requiring use of books and wiki
Adaptations (For Students With Learning Disabilities)
- Group work encouraging students to help each other
Extensions (For Gifted Students)
- Upload good photos and text to the wiki
- Do a Memorize game about the soil types
- Create an eToys active essay about soil types
Possible Connections To Other Subjects
- Science - chemistry (acidity etc) and biology (soil content)
- Social studies (geography and soil types)
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