Science process skills/Predicting
The teacher describes a situation related “law of floatation” and encourages to answer after visualizing or imagining about the activity and also asks to carry out some simple activities before answering.
Activity - 1:
I. We are all aware of the fact that a substance which flows from one point to another is called a fluid. Fluid is a common name given to both liquids and gases. Everybody has a certain weight and a certain base area. When a body rests on a surface, it exerts a force equal to its weight, normal to its surface. This total force acting normal to the surface is called “thrust”. Fluid exerts – (1) upward pressure, (2) downward pressure and (3) lateral pressure. Figures:
When different substances are dropped in a liquid in a container, it is observed that the substance dropped will try to reach the bottom by virtue of its weight whereas the liquid exerts upward pressure on the sinking body or substance. Teacher describes this situation and then asks what will happen when iron nails, pieces of wood and piece of candle are dropped in a beaker containing water.
Note: If the student predicts that iron nails float or wood sinks, the teacher should provide an occasion to the students to conduct the said activity and correct themselves.
Activity - 2:
II. When teacher takes three things made of iron only namely, iron nail, bottle lid and a thin iron sheet and all these are dropped in a beaker containing water and asks the following question. What happened to all the three articles when dropped in a beaker of water?
Activity - 3:
Activity - 4:
IV. Teacher presents the graph showing the relationship between temperature and rate of respiration and asks following questions.
Activity - 5:
1. What change will be observed in the bottles after one/two days? a)Lime water in both the bottles turn milky - ‘B’ grade b)Lime water in bottle ‘A’ turns more milky than in bottle ‘B’’ – ‘A’ grade c)Seeds die due to suffocation – ‘C’ grade 2. What happens if more dry seeds are added to bottle ‘B’ up to its brim? a) More corbondioxide is evolved – ‘B’ grade b)Lime water turns more milky as more CO2 is evolved – ‘A’ grade c)Seeds stop respiring – ‘C’ grade
Activity - 6:
Activity - 7:
Activity - 8:
1. Will there be any difference in the yield from these two fields? a) Yes – ‘A’ grade b) No – ‘C’ grade c) May be – ‘B’ grade 2. What difference may be expected? a) More yield from field A – ‘B’ grade b) More yield from field A than in B – ‘A’ grade c) Less yield from field B – ‘C’ grade