Name Of The Person : Hajra Bee. Age : 60 Total Member Of The Family: 6
What is your opinion? Education is Necessary or Not.
In your opinion is necessary for - Girls/Boys/Both.
Do you know that is the elementary education under 14 years is compulsory? Yes/No
Have the girl’s right to get higher education? Yes/No.
Some educational programmed are conducted or not?
Difference between boys and girls education? Yes /No.
Which type of environment in the school? Good/Bad.
Is the number of teacher is sufficient or not in the school?
What is the level of education in the school? Primary Secondary Higher Secondary
Where the students go to get Higher Education? Bhopal Vidisha Sihore
There any transport facilities are available or not?
Is there provide Mid-Day-Meal facility? Yes/no.
Is there provide Aaganbadi facility? Yes/no
Is there any facility of scholarship for the students in the School? Yes/No.