STENZ 27th May 2009

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1. Roll call and apologies

Samuel Mann (Chair), Hillary Branthwaite, Carol Boyle, Jonathon Hannon, Kate Hewson, Kari Adams, Kate Kearins.

Apologies from: Kari - leaving early, Rex Verity, Kate Kearins: may be late, Pam Williams

2. Confirming Terms of Reference

We agreed that pending the completion of the operational paragraph (please feel free edit), the Terms_of_Reference could be signed off with only brief discussion at the start of the next meeting.

3. Workstreams

Update on workstreams, confirming priorities and action plans.

We decided that the exception of 3.1, these other work streams would benefit from a face to face meeting before we continue work and phone discussions.

3.1 Institutional liaison

Institutional liaison (Sam and Pam) (see empty(!) table for institutional information:

We decided that this informal collation of contacts was useful as a group intelligence exercise, but that it serves a different purpose to the formal collection of liaison information and institutional audit.

A similar exercise would be useful for STENZ Trade and Professional Societies.

We agreed that we (PW/SM) should send letters to the VCC and ITPNZ. These letters are to:

  • register the existence of STENZ.
  • to make it an actionable item the letter needs to ask for something, probably an endorsement of the vision.
  • The letter should recognise that while the institutions are autonomous, a collaborative, whole of sector approach is needed.
  • Suggest that they fund a symposium on what each is doing (ie our "audit").

A letter to each VC/CEO. These letters are also aimed to register the existence of STENZ but with some more specific requests:

  • Who is their liaison (at different levels, and making sure cover operations/academic - or however they have structured)
  • What is their institutional position? (aiming to get them past weak statements ala "critique and conscience of society", or those who have statements in policy but are not empowered)

Both letters should demonstrate the strong links of STENZ to SANZ and UNESCO. PW/SM will draft and circulate.

3.2 Audit

Discuss in full in f2f meeting.

Curriculum and operations audit (KateH, Rex, John/Terry)

Sustainability reporting framework: John

Student research audit (Carol)

3.3 Communication

(I don't seem to have names assigned here)

Promotion of best practices

Education policy (barriers, opportunities)

Student groups and networks

3.4 Education Policy

Discuss in full in f2f meeting.

4 Funding application

UNESCO $5K application SM to draft and circulate. Due on the 1st June.

Need to look at Ako Aotearoa National Project Fund. The major fund application is due on the 21st August, so we need to develop a strategy before the f2f meeting.

5. Date and preparation for face to face meeting

We see this as a working meeting, with sub-groups working directly on projects.

Tentative date Tuesday 14th July, in Wellington.

SM to ask Hayden if they have conference space, otherwise Jonathon suggests Massey space in Wellington.

6 . General business

7 . Next meeting date

24th June. Endeavour to do on Skype for at least some of us.