Ringe ni Marau Togho
Constitution of Ringe ni Marau Togho
First draft
7th December, 2007
Pamua, Makira
Ringe ni Marau Togho (the organisation) is an international organisation dedicated to the care and protection of endangered languages, cultures and peoples, recognising their importance for all humanity including all past, present and future generations. The organisation exists to provide venues for the living use, study and development of language and culture. We have come together initially to record language and kastoms of the Kiwhe area in Makira, Solomon Islands and therefore take our name from here.
1. Name
1.1 the name of the organisation shall be Ringe ni Marau Togho which means “Voice of the Main Land”. The word “renge” also denotes “law”, “kastom” or “way of living” and as such reflects the organisations aims in protecting, preserving and developing not only languages but also culture and cultural practices. Marau Togho is a Kiwhe word for Hanuato’o or Makira.
2. Goal
To work through a consensus approach with regard to traditional as well as new frameworks through community development and appropriate new technologies:
• For the preservation, exchange, development and as a meeting place for different kustom, culture, language and other human activities and modes of production. • For the recording and sharing of traditional languages, customs and practices as well as the undertaking new translations and for facilitating new innovations in cultural synthesis. • For any and all languages, customs, medium – but especially for the preservation of threatened and endangered languages and customs which are rare and need protection. • For stories, songs, dances, customs – and any other medium. • For all peoples and members of societies and communities and for those outcast from communities. • For the sharing, exchange of ideas and customs. • For the translations of stories, dances, customs into other languages.
3. Objectives
The primary objectives are:
3.1 To facilitate mutual support and cooperation between cultural, literacy and educational projects through membership of Ringe ni Marau Togho.
3.2 To encourage and support language based projects consistent with the goals of the organisation, especially in rural and endangered areas.
3.3 To work with any institution to stimulate interest and increase practical skills and experience in language and cultural archiving and preservation.
• Training workshops in use of video and sound recording • A website to archive and host video, sound, songs recordings, pictures and also writings • A hypercustom house for meeting, sharing and recording
3.4 As a venue for endangered languages, cultures and peoples we offer asylum to all and any people within this organisation as a safe place for the archiving and preservation of language and associated cultural practices. We judge our success by the degree in which we can assist and aid those persecuted because of their ethnic origin or cultural practices and in providing a safe space for all our members in doing so.
4. Principles
4.1 Ringe ni Marau Togho is a democratic non-government organisation
4.2 Ringe ni Marau Togho is an independent organisation and is not affiliated with any political party or religious organisation
4.3 Ringe ni Marau Togho is committed to the goals and objectives of this constitution and will not accept funds or support from any group, organisation or individual which would require it to act in any manner contrary to its stated goals and objectives.
4.4 Ringe ni Marau Togho is a not for profit organisation. It may undertake various activities to raise funds for the organisation and may profit from the sale of goods and materials or the expertise represented within the organisation, consistent with its stated objectives and at the direction of the management committee. Any and all funds raised are to be solely used for the purpose of the organisation in pursuing its stated goals and objectives.
4.5 Ringe ni Marau Togho will try to work and co-operate with other gnus, community groups, governments and interested individuals and organisations at all times
5. Membership
The membership shall consist of the following i.e. members shall have the following functions:
a. Performing members b. Recording members c. Networking members
This means that all members may have a specific role or enter the organisation with a view to a specific role or function. Members will be encouraged to learn other functions or roles too.
Members can act generally in any function. However any action of the organisation as a whole requires all 3 types of member in agreement.
All work remains the property of the member or members who produced it, which will always involve all 3 functions.
a. Performers/ performance is of the language or custom or praxis. This may be in the form of:
• story,
• song,
• dance
• or any cultural form or practice.
Performers are those people – particularly elders – but also other members of the communities – who have a knowledge base which we seek to protect and promote. They also provide a link to the other people who have contributed in the development of the language and praxis and they are performing. In this way it is the work of the performer to make the organisations work relevant to the other workers involved in the creation of the performance.
b. Recording is the use of technology to record the performance, which can be: • Audio, • Video, • Imagery Recording requires a technical knowledge of the equipment and its usage. This includes the technology equipment and the use of that equipment. The recorder will also include those who produce the technology and of making the work of the organisation relevant to those workers.
c. Networking is the linking of the performances and recordings and to facilitate peoples movements, through:
• Administration
• archiving
• Distribution
This requires knowledge of networks of power through which our cultural practices are propagated. An important part of this will therefore be the keeping of finances. Networking is the administration of the network which functions around the org. this includes the funding bodies and the distribution of materials. The networking therefore links recorders and performers to other orgs and networks.
6. Meetings
There are 3 types of meeting: Unit, Work and General
Unit meeting
When 1 function or role is concentrated upon. This may be for training or development of that function or role within the org. this can consist of one or more people. A performing meeting is between performers of one or more language and for the dissemination and development of recording techniques. A recording meeting is for training of technologies and equipment usage. A networking meeting deals with administration, archiving and distribution.
Work meeting
will be when 2 if the roles or functions meet. It can therefore be: • performance-recording: to record the performance and to teach recording techniques to performers. • performance-networking: to network between performers and with other orgs or individuals as well as to train networkers in performance techniques and languages. • recording-networking: to record the networking and administration and network and administer recordings.
Genereal meetings
Will be when all 3 meet and so a quorum is 3 members where 1 member is fulfilling 1 function. At these meetings materials can be assessed, translated and new strategies developed to take the work of the organisation further. This includes what functions are being fulfilled by what member. If there is no consensus reached on any decision, votes will be on a one member one vote basis.
7. Powers
Ringe ni Marau Togho shall have the powers:
7.1 To acquire by purchase, take on lease or acquire any real or personal property
7.2 To borrow or raise money and upon such conditions as to security or otherwise as the organisation may deem fit
7.3 To join and affiliate with other organisations having similar objectives
7.4 To make, amend and revoke bylaws, rules and regulations affecting the conduct of the organisation, its members, staff and office
7.5 To sell, exchange, maintain, improve, lease hire, dispose of, manage, control, lend, mortgage, charge, gift or otherwise deal with and turn to account any real or personal property of the organisation.
8. Termination
The organisation may be terminated by a vote at a general meeting, providing:
8.1 A notice of intent to disband is circulated to members at least 1 month before the meeting
8.2 The motion to disband receives the support of 2 members present at the general meeting held
8.3 subject to the decision to disband, the net assets of the organisation be distributed to other NGOs with similar objectives as determined by the meeting.
Kakamora 10:27, 11 August 2008 (UTC)