Rekrapenator/Idea Seeding/NZ eWaste
From WikiEducator
Dunedin eWaste Capital of NZ
- Establish NZ's first high tech multi use eWaste recycling centre
- Recycle envirethically NZ's eWaste
- Provide long term employment
- Use sustainable transport
Present Situation - assumptions
- NZ ships most its eWaste overseas...
- eWaste report - Greenpeace
- We are charging for computer disposal
- DCC Charges
eWaste processing order
- Reused
- Refurbished then
- Donated
- Sold
- Recycled
- Shipped over seas for further envirethical processing
- Dumped - unsalvageable remains
- Refurbishment
- UK sends to Kenya
- NZ Local - BOSSI
- NZ Pacific Nation - FOSSI
- eWaste Factories
- Norway
- Pacific
Private Council Government Trust
Creating the Waste Stream flow
Presently some ewaste has
- Componentry dismantled
- plastics, toxic, metal etc
- Refurbishment
- Open Source -
- Donated or sold - local or overseas
- Open Source -
Expand business to import eWaste from Australia -
if Australia has a similar facility recycle our eWaste through them
eWaste Euipment - [ equipment ]