Reflection tools
From WikiEducator
1. Writing
- Journal writing
Provide a way for students to personalize journal with art work, overall design, even something as simple as stickers Letters home Dialogue journal Group journal Personal journal Critical or cathartic incidents Role taking Book response Goal setting Highlighted text or key phrase As a database to be used as field notes for later papers Resource gathering place on a specific topic The manila envelope approach: Stuff quotes, sketches, ideas, notes (observation and otherwise) into an envelope to be transformed into a scrapbook, assembled in a notebook, etc, later
- Reflection essay
- Editorial of experience
- Develop age-appropriate book on issue for specific age group of children
- Text for display presentation
- Log
- Multicultural-centered reflection
- Portfolio project, including e-portfolio
- Article
2. Reading
- Examining the role of service, using any number of books and articles, including such books as “Some Do Care: Contemporary Lives of Moral Commitment” (A. Colby)
- Professional journals
- Government documents
- Class essays
- Essays accomplished by other classes
- Case studies to prepare for service, including ethics case studies
- Journals, related short stories, issue fiction, poetry, etc.
3. Action
- Discussion groups
- Individual or group oral histories
- Discussion with the community and/or agency
- Following related movie (Example: Pay It Forward)
- Microcosm- explore broad concept by examining issue on local level
- Use icebreaker games for large group facilitation
- Community/class mural
- Sketches of experiences or representation in graphic design
- Photo essay
- Video
- PowerPoint
- Posters
4. Survey & Interpretation
- Predictions/forecasting
- Models
- Critique
5. Guidelines
- Videotape formal presentations when possible
- Establish a climate where each member of a group is expected to participate
- Provide clear instructions for group processes
- Assign a combination of styles of reflection or provide options
- Consider assigning some writing which will not be evaluated for a grade
- Encourage the design of projects that will provide actual products community groups can use, where possible
- Provide a guide to resources