Red Beach School
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Featured teacherOur featured teachers today are Hellen Healey and Susan Delaney who work together in a job share arrangement teaching one of our Y4 classes. As an aside, Hellen integrated the school's Inquiry model, which we call Powerful Learning. As the children were working through their place value problems, she placed a very fancy silver hat on her head--the kids seemed to immediately know that this meant they would be discussing how they were learning powerfully. Their comments reflected this:- "We are now in the hub of the process, we are reflecting, we are imagining the numbers, we are asking ourselves questions." A stunning example of the authentic use of the process of inquiry within the context of numeracy.
News and eventsRed Beach School is new to Wiki Educator. We are excited to see how it can fit into our school Vision Here's a page exploring how we are beginning to use online Student Learning Journals edit
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