Read more here on Day 3
From WikiEducator
- The day started with a recarp of day two.
Google Docs
- This was followed by a presentation on Google Docs. We discovered that many people use Google inefficiently and yet it has many applications. The Facilitator, Washington, through a number of the features and their use. It is a powerful web application. Can be used for collaborative effort e.g project development, budget development, searching for different information etc. The facilitator encouraged us explore Google.
Development of Concept Notes
- After the morning health (tea/coffee) break, the next exercise was to develop project concept notes in groups and use web 2.0 tools i.e develop a concept note or proposal in a electronic collaborative mode using wiki or any other web 2.0 tools.
- The interests and ideas were solicited from each participants. These were collated and grouped into five groups around similarity of the interests and ideas. The groups developed project titles as below and each person was assigned a specific role in the write up:
- Group 1: Networking for Collaboration and Sharing of Information and Knowledge for Development
- Group 2: Application of ICT to enhance Access and Utilisation of Agricultural and Environmental Related Information for improved Rural Livelihood
- Group 3: Characterization of cocoyam and establishment of the agronomic and soil nutrient requirements for its production in Eastern and Southern Africa
- Group 4: Improving food security through sustainable agriculture
- Group 5: Development of Training Material for the Regional Master of Research Methodology
After Lunch, the participants started on their assigned roles in wiki and they continues discussing their projects till 5 pm.
Installation and Configuring Wiki
- After 5.00pm, the participants were taken through the steps of installing wiki on their laptops. The process is divided into two phases. Firstly, installation of open platform comprising of webserver Apache, PhP and web database (MYSQL) and Installation and configuring wiki. We used Xampp software which comes bundled with the three open applications. Participants followed the steps, installed the open source platform. Secondly, installation and configuration of wiki. Also participants were guided by Nicholas of COL in installing and configuring wiki. Participants found this as the most challenging session. In all they were very happy that they could do it and apply it for their future engagements.
Sylvester 13:15, 12 September 2008 (EAT)