QA4ODFL2/Human Resource/Keeping staff up to date

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Once new staff is recruited, induction into the work culture of the organisation should be made. As you may have experienced in your organisation, there is always someone to whom the newly recruited person reports. That senior person also oversees the work of the new person and is responsible for conducting performance review for the new person. To facilitate easy integration into the organisation, the induction process should be guided by a well formulated document which shows work flow patterns and how the person concerned fits in the whole system, how they should operate, the resources they use and where they go for support. This is particularly useful in an open school where both staff and learners are distributed. The newly recruited person should feel they have something to contribute towards the achievement of organisational goals. They should understand the organisational environment.

A good open school should have a framework for continuous professional development (CPD) for staff. This ensures affordable and sustained systematic growth for staff. If you are interested in learning more about CPD, you are referred to OER Africa resources on the following link: (