Promote Computing in Vermont High Schools

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This material supports a collaborative project to promote computing education and career preparation in Vermont. This work began as a project of the Outreach Committee of the Vermont Software Developers Alliance vtSDA This material is the creation of Professor Michael Battig from the Computer Science Department at Saint Michael's College (

The purpose of this wiki is to provide a vehicle for sharing materials for use in Vermont High Schools.

This project was the focal point of my sabbatical (Fall 2008) at Saint Michael's College. The modules presented here were created in concert with educators at Champlain Valley Union High School CVU. This work was funded in part by the Vermont Dept of Labor. The links to each module are listed here:

Module 1: What is CS? (or why Computer Science is not just programming)

Module 2: Ubiquitous Computing

Module 5: Ubiquitous Databases