Practice Context/e-Learning activities/Identify your digital literacy skills

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e-Learning activity summary

Title: Identify your digital literacy skills.
2 - 4 hours
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Exploring your own digital literacy skills and those required for your job.

Start here

Stimulus: 33 digital skills every 21st Century teacher should have [1] Although this is aimed at primary and secondary educators, most of these skills are highly relevant to tertiary educators.

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To help you identify your own digital literacy skills and those required for your job.

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:1. Reflect on the stimulus comments.
Reflect on the blog post and consider the following questions:
  • Which of the skills identified are relevant to your own work area ?
  • Of those that you saw as relevant, how confident and competent are you at those skills?
Note your thoughts in your learning journal.

2. List all digital tools and activities that you have to interact with or use for work
  • Which digital literacy skills do these tools link with?
  • What digital literacy skills are not covered?
  • What skills do you do well? Note some examples in your learning journal
  • How do those skills improve what you do?

3. Explore other view points
  • Talk with colleagues - do they agree with your list of digital tools and activities necessary for your work role?
  • Are there tools and skills they use that you haven't previously been aware of?
  • How can those tools and skills make a difference to what you do?
  • How confident and competent are you at those skills?
  • Reflect on this in your learning journal.

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Learning outcome actions

  1. Share aspects of your learning with others in the course using the Moodle Discussion forum.
  2. Collate evidence of your learning for your portfolio.
  3. Use the learning from this module to inform the development of your narrative (your practice story) for the portfolio.


  1. Kharbach, M (2012, June). 33 digital skills every 21st Century teacher should have. Retrieved from