Post graduate Blogs2
This purpose of this page is to evaluate an International student exchange and to suggest alternative approaches to ensure greater interaction between the students.
In particular I would like to consider the possible use of Blogs to enhance student participation. Facts about the course: (See more information on Blog [1]
Time frame: A 4 week period in 2007. Organisations involved: Students from Otago Polytechnic in NZ and from Queens University in Ontario, Canada. Medium used: Blackboard. The title of the Blackboard shell was the Kiwi-Canuck Connection
The course title and objectives were as follows: Challenges in clinical reasoning: An international exploration
- To experience international distance-based learning
- To apply knowledge of clinical reasoning and debate issues.
- To explore common understandings in international occupational therapy reasoning
Why might Blogs be useful? They could be used in a variety of ways: As a reflective medium. Students interested in working with this media could set up Blogs for this course and use them as reflective tools (ie. as a reflective journal) This would enable a relatively easy media for other students who wanted to comment and also for lecturer comment. In such a short course, I would be working on the assumption that there will be students already familar with using Blogs and would take the initiative in this. Topics in the Blog should reflect the course content and respond to the various scenarios that will be presented. As a key contact for all students - the course content and tasks could be set up on a blog.
To develop a Blog: This information will be useful for any students wishing to participate in Blogging. Please use the information in this Wiki page as a guide. [[2]]
Other possibilites that will enhance the ease of discussion: