Political Economy

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The Rise of Imperialism and Colonialism

Causes and justifications; primitive accumulation; slave trade and its abolition; consequences of colonialism on the economy of Africa; rise of neo-colonialism; evidence and consequences for Africa.

Lives of Great African Nationalists and Freedom Fighters

Kabalega; Kimathi; Kenyatta; Dr. Nyerere; Dr. Obote; Ben Kiwanuka; Patrice Lumumba; Dr. Kwame Nkrumah; Sekou Toure; Nelson Mandela.

Capitalism v. Socialism

Concepts of capitalism and socialism; Western Europe and USSR (Common Wealth of Independent States) capitalism and Dr. Nyerere's Ujamaa policy; capitalism and Dr. Obote's (before 1971) and Allende's socialism; the case for Uganda today.

Uganda's Economy Today

Resources and Utilization

Land, water, people and their mobilization.


Origin and intrinsic value; the purchasing power of the Uganda shilling under: normal, inflationary and depression conditions.

Internal and International Trade

Under colonial rule, UPC government (1962-70), Idi Amin.

Economic Development Plans

Capital development; distribution and sharing of national wealth; the budget; implementation and problems.

Economic Independence and Co-Operation

Policy and implementation of self-reliance; regional and international organizations; EA Co-operation, Mulungushi Club, Kagera Basin Economic Authority, OAU, ECC, Lome Convention, ECOWAS, the Group of 77, the Commonwealth, the non-aligned movement, the UN and its agencies.

The World Bank and IMF

Their role in the economic development of Uganda.

Other Economic Agencies

The African Development Bank; US AID, SIDA, DANIDA, CIDA and their role in the economic development of Uganda.

The Uganda Government measures to rehabilitate and revive the Uganda economy.

Education and Uganda's economic and social development.

Unemployment and underemployment

causes and remedies for Uganda