Pocket statistics: Tertiary Education in St. Kitts & Nevis
From WikiEducator
Overview of the tertiary education system in St. Kitts & Nevis
The country has a population of approximately 40 000 people with 66% reported to reside in rural areas and 30% of the population between 0 and 14 years of age. Over the last decade, the average regional enrolment of males and females in tertiary education was 26% (2002/2003). Exact figures not available.
Tertiary Gross Enrolment Ratio Statistics
1990/91 | 1998/99 | 2000/01 | 2002/03 | VUSSC Average | |
MF Total | - | - | - | - | - |
Male | - | - | - | - | - |
Female | - | - | - | - | - |
There are XX government funded tertiary education institutions in the country providing learning opportunities for XX students. A strategic priority for St. Kitts & Nevis' tertiary system is ...... Say something about ICT infrastructure and opportunities and challenges for elearning.
Government funded Tertiary Education Institutions
Name of institution (City)
Name of Institution | Enter name here |
Website | Eg http://www.col.org |
Type of Institution | Eg. University, Polytechnic, Community College etc |
Main mode of delivery | Eg. Campus-based, Single mode DE, Mixed Mode etc. |
Number of students | State number of students and year here, eg 13 547 (2004 fugures) |
Learning Management System(s) | For example ATutor, Moodle, KewlNextGen, Blackboard, WebCT etc. |
Overview of e-learning | Enter brief description of e-learning activities at the institution |
Name of institution (City)
Name of Institution | Enter name here |
Website | Eg http://www.col.org |
Type of Institution | Eg. University, Polytechnic, Community College etc |
Main mode of delivery | Eg. Campus-based, Single mode DE, Mixed Mode etc. |
Number of students | State number of students and year here, eg 13 547 (2004 fugures) |
Learning Management System(s) | For example ATutor, Moodle, KewlNextGen, Blackboard, WebCT etc. |
Overview of e-learning | Enter brief description of e-learning activities at the institution |