Pocket statistics: Tertiary Education in Lesotho

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Overview of the tertiary education system in Lesotho

The country has a population of approximately 1,800 000 people with 70% reported to reside in rural areas and 40% of the population between 0 and 14 years of age. Over the last decade, participation rates for tertiary education have increased by 200%.

Tertiary Gross Enrolment Ratio Statistics

1990/91 1998/99 2000/01 2002/03 VUSSC Average
MF Total 1% 2% 3% 3% -
Male 1% 2% 2% 2% -
Female 2% 3% 3% 4% -

There are 5 government funded tertiary education institutions in the country providing learning opportunities for XX students. A strategic priority for Lesotho's tertiary system is ...... Say something about ICT infrastructure and opportunities and challenges for elearning.

Government funded Tertiary Education Institutions

Lesotho College of Education (Maseru)

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Name of Institution Lesotho College of Education
Website http://www.brabys.com/search-InfoKey.asp?region=-1&town=-1&ref=5326702&adType=20&companytitle=LESOTHO%20COLLEGE%20OF%20EDUCATION
Type of Institution College
Main mode of delivery Eg. Campus-based, Single mode DE, Mixed Mode etc.
Number of students State number of students and year here, eg 13 547 (2004 fugures)
Learning Management System(s) For example ATutor, Moodle, KewlNextGen, Blackboard, WebCT etc.
Overview of e-learning Enter brief description of e-learning activities at the institution

National University of Lesotho (Roma)

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Name of Institution National University of Lesotho
Website Eg http://www.nul.ls
Type of Institution University
Main mode of delivery Mainly Campus-based, Few programmse have Single mode DE
Number of students 8000 (2005 fugures)
Learning Management System(s) None
Overview of e-learning Enter brief description of e-learning activities at the institution