Participants' Work

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You can create your Scenarios under this page. We are providing basic Template to use for uploading your work. At the end of this page, you will find an INPUTBOX where you can create your chapters by inputting the Title of your Scenario.

You may use cut and paste from your document file to upload the materials.


  1. Type your self-learning material chapter on a word processor.
  2. Log on to WikiEducator through the Main_Page.
  3. Go to Creating Your Chapter, and type the Title of the Chapter in the box give there. Click the "Create Your Chapter Here" button.
  4. A new page will open with the title beginning "Editing ..." and having a box that has some instructions.
  5. Read these and follow the instructions there to "cut" and "paste" materials from the chapter created by you in a word processor.
  6. Once you have typed your materials on to this box, click the "Show preview" button. This will show you how your chapter will look like.
  7. After you are satisfied with the look and feel, click the "Save page" button.
  8. Your chapter is now created.


Creating your Chapter

You can create your Chapter by typing in the Title of chapter in the box given below. Remianing instructions are provided in the page that you will create. Best of luck.