PCF5:Livelihoods - Instititutional Innovations

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Title of session


Session details

  • Date: 15 July 2008
  • Time: 1400
  • Room: 739
  • Chair: Uma Coomaraswamy (umacoom@gmail.com)
  • Facilitator: Willie Clark-Okah (wclarke-okah@col.org)
  • Reporter: Moses Tenywa (tenywamakooma@yahoo.com)

Session papers

  • Mr Mungule Daudi Chikoye, Capacity-building in open and distance learning for agricultural development in Zambia, (560)
  • Dr Rengalakshmi Raj, Open and distance learning for Ecopreneurship: promotion of multiple livelihoods among the women self-help groups in Tamil Nadu, India, (394)
  • Mr Ralph von kaufmann, New approaches to strengthening human and institutional capacity for improving rural livelihoods in Africa, (363)

Key Issues that arose in the session

  • Important considerations for achieving effective learning and improved livelihoods through ODL

Partnerships at organizational (national and international), institutional and self help groups Leadership for partnership/collaboration Importance of social mobilization for sustainability of livelihood projects Involvement of learners in design and development of learning content

  • lessons learned

Need to create awareness and develop capacity for quality ODL content Involvement of self help groups and federation of self help groups in the design and development of content Need for coordination between countries and within countries to bring about more effective learning and impact of islands of success

  • Challenges faced in achieving effective learning for improved livelihoods through ODL

Recognition of ODL as a viable tool for improving livelihoods lacking in many organizations and institutions Leadership and commitments to utilization of ODL lacking Capacity building at all levels is a major issue due to lack of resources Facilitators/intermediaries not sensitive to learning needs of grassroot community Confidence building and mutual trust between partners for effective partnerships need for ODL

  • Potential solutions that can make ODL work better for improved livelihoods.

Putting in place policies supportive of ODL Commitment of governments to awareness, infrastructure, and other support necessary for ODL and quality assurance Partnerships and linkages at national and international level for sustainability Consortium approach for provision of knowledge for content design and development Involvement of the community at the design and development stage (context of indigenous knowledge, learning styles, preferences, available facilities) Social mobilization to promote peer learning Sensitizing institutions/facilitators in community development using bottom up approaches

Points for future action (Policy, recommendations, commitments etc.)

  • COL should interact with national governments on the necessity to recognize ODL as a viable mode for improving livelihoods particularly in terms of numbers reached.
  • COL should facilitate the development of quality learning objects and any other policy matters to help in the above.
  • Useful resources, people or institutions who could contribute to addressing these issues and challenges for achieving the sub theme topic and effective learning for livelihoods?

Institutions should recognize engagement in community development as part of their missions/visions and take necessary leadership National governments should commit themselves to use Techmode for improving livelihoods Sub-regional, regional and international development organizations working collectively towards utilization of Techmode for improving livelihoods