Our 2010 Inquiry
From WikiEducator
St Clair - Coast to Coast
Our Local community and environment are unique – culturally, environmentally and ecologically. What can we do to maintain this?
- St Clair has a unique coastal environment and ecology.
- To understand what is special about St Clair, we need to use scientific skills including: observing, identifying, classifying, comparing, etc.
- There are natural and un-natural occurrences that impact on St Clair’s habitats and landforms.
- If we know about the area’s unique bio-diversity and landforms, we are better able to acknowledge which activities impact on them and to suggest ways that we can preserve and protect them for future generations.
Related Issues
- The different uses of the beach can have impact on each other and the environment.
- Sea Lions are greatly affected by the way that people use St Clair.
- The beach community consists of groups of organisms growing or living together.
- Food chains and webs demonstrate the importance and interdependence of all species found there.
- Te Marama is used as a guide for good and bad days for activities such as fishing, planting. The Máori have used patterns of the moon to measure time (Matariki – May).
We are learning to… identify all the different ways that St Clair is unique compared to other parts of Dunedin, places in NZ and the world.