Open content licensing for educators/Course dashboard/Announcements/14.06 Session 2
Instructions for Session 2: Defining OER
We recommend that you follow the OCL4Ed course according to your own time zone. These instructions are for your Tuesday 24 & Wednesday 25 June 2014
We're off to a good start with growing activity and participation during Session 1. Thanks for sharing!
We commenced our journey reflecting on a few aspects of why we teach and corresponding relationships with open education. Session 1 also provided the opportunity for participants to familiarise themselves with our online learning environment before we delve deeper into open educational resources (OER). It looks like participants are finding their way around the technology.
If you've just joined us, there is time to catch up. The materials are designed for independent study and you can work at your own pace. Just consult the announcements section and course schedule on the learning console for previous announcements.
Instructions for Session 2
Our key focus for this session is to answer the question: What are the requirements for an open educational resource?
In Session 2 we will consider issues associated with the ownership of ideas in education in a digital world. We will introduce and define the concept of Open Education Resources (OER) with thanks to David Wiley for the video signpost introducing this session. We will also consider the opportunities and barriers for OER adoption. You can access the materials from the course schedule on the learning console or you can go directly to Defining OER in the Courseware section of the site and progress sequentially using the "Next" buttons at the bottom of each page.
While working through the course materials for Session 2, we encourage participants to share their thoughts and reflections with the group on WikiEducator's WENotes, Twitter or Google+. To post using WENotes directly from the learning console, remember to log in to the site from the registration page before you post. If you are using Twitter, remember to include the #OCL4ED tag in your posts so we can harvest these posts for the live course feed.
Have you completed the survey yet?
Don't forget to have your say on what you consider fair and reasonable practice by competing the reasonable practice survey (if you haven't done so yet.)
We aim to share the results with #OCL4Ed participants soon -- so please let us know what you think and don't be missed by your absence ;-)
With kind regards
Wayne Mackintosh