OpenEducation4Schools/Three Peaks Cluster Muster
3 Peaks Cluster Muster
Livestock can be passively mustered by trap yards, which are set up at points where enticements such as water, molasses, fodder or salt are placed. This method can be an effective and efficient technique for mustering timbered country or for capturing feral animals. A trap yard can be set up around a designated point and the animals can be trained to use the yard over a period of weeks before the gates are closed to outward movements. Sometimes quiet coaxers (coachers) are used to assist in the mustering and droving of wild or feral livestock.
The East Otago School Cluster are hosting an open muster for educational practitioners to explore opportunities and pathways for building a local OER initiative.
We aim to create a model for inspiring and informing other schools and clusters in building national OER collaborations.
We also hope that this muster will be an important catalyst to establish a thriving New Zealand community of OER content collaborators.
Note:Equivalents of molasses and fodder will be used.
Through facilitator involvement, create an infrastructure for cluster schools based around Open Education ideas.
Establish systems for use in the school setting; leading to sustainable collaboration.
Create an action plan for ongoing cluster professional development in Open Education.
- Explore open education initiatives in NZ and from around the world
- Share WikiEducator traditions of OER and leadership models
- Establish the need for open education systems within the cluster and the wider New Zealand educational setting
9am-4pm on the 28th Of October 2009
- Venue - Warrington School
- An application for funding to assist with this muster was sought from the New Zealand Principals' Federation. Approved 2008.