OpenEd12 Unconference Scheduling

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Floor plan of conference. C215 is the main Remixathon room; C010 is the Communicate OER room.

We've set aside Room C215 to run unconference activities throughout the conference, including hands-on sessions for the remixathon and demos by folks from Vancouver Hack Space. Room C215 is a smaller room that will be set up with table rounds - 3 or 4 tables with 5 or 6 seats around each. While it's small, there is the potential to run two separate sessions simultaneously if the groups are small. Also expect people to be coming in to charge electronics (we will have a small charging station in the back of the room).

If you are interested in hosting a f2f session, add your name to the schedule below. Note while we can do an announcement at the start of the day about potential f2f sessions, the responsibility for publicizing your sessions rests with you. We highly recommend using the conference twitter tag (#opened12) as well as word of mouth as a way to spread the news about any sessions you are running.

Room C010 will be set up for working on Wikipedia articles about OER, with the Communicate OER initiative. This is a smaller room with one table.

PLEASE NOTE: schedule below is subject to change, and groups asking for multiple slots may have to give some of these up to be fair to others. Let's all try and place nice though and self-organize these things.

Communicate OER
The Communicate OER initiative, in addition to the introductory sessions in the main Remixathon room, will also have Room C010 available for work & discussion of Wikipedia OER article improvement.
Day 1 Unconference Session
11-11:45am PirateBox, TreasureBox, StoryBox: Look Inside and Share
11:45am-12:30pm Wikipedia editing tutorial & workshop with Communicate OER
2-2:45pm OERPub and Connexions OER Editor UI testing (1 table 6 people)

Day 2 Unconference Session
10:30-11:15am Seeing what's there - tricks and tools for mapping content and social networks, wrangling and visualising open educational content and data. Examples might include Visualising Related Entries in Wikipedia Using Gephi and Asset Stripping OpenLearn as well as other bits of but please bring along your own ideas to share too...
11:15am-12:00pm Wikipedia editing tutorial & workshop with Communicate OER
1:30-2:15pm Connexions and OERPUB OER Editor UI Testing (1 table 6 people)

Math in Society open textbook remixing and/or MyOpenMath demo (1 table)
20-3:05pm Peer Learning: Paragogy (PDF) & Peeragogy (Wiki Text without Images) Books

Day 3 Unconference Sessions
10:30-11:15am Connexions and OERPUB OER Editor UI Testing (1 table 6 people)
11:20-12:05pm Peer Learning: Paragogy (PDF) & Peeragogy (Wiki Text without Images) Books
1:30-2:15pm PirateBox, TreasureBox, StoryBox: Look Inside and Share
2:30-3:15pm Wikipedia editing tutorial & workshop with Communicate OER