Old question papers

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First Internal Test Examination August 2010

S.Y.B.Sc. Zoology (Applied Zoology, Paper II)

DATE: 18/08/10 (SET I ) Time – 30 Min. Marks-20

Note—1) All Questions are compulsory,

2) Write your name and roll no. in answer book.

Q.1 Multiple choice question. (write correct option in answer book) (5 Marks)

I) The amount of damage caused to crop is called___________ a) Economic injury level, b) Economic pest, c) Economic damage, d) Agriculture pest

II) Pest that infest human dwelling are commonly called as__________ a) Household pest, b) Veterinary pest, c) Agricultural pest, d) Nursery pest

III) Which of the following is not a non insect pest_________ a) Bandicoots bendalensis, b) Rattus rattus , c) Passer domesticus, d) Periplaneta americana

IV) Red heart is characteristic damage in __________crop a) Cotton, b) caster, c) Jawar, d) Mango,

V) The amount of damage caused to crop is called___________ a) Economic injury level, b) Economic pest c) Economic damage d) Agriculture pest

Q.2 True or false (write answer as true or false in answer book) (5 Marks)

I) The insect which damage crop plants are called forest pest.____

II) Batocera rubus is a pest on Jawar and Maize crops.______

III) Dysdercus spe. is commonly known as Cotton stainer.______

IV) Termites are considered major pest in forest.______

V) Crab is a serious pest in Rice field._______

Q.3 Define and Explain (write in answer book) (5 Marks)

I) Define pest II) Write different types of pest with example.

III) What is non insect pest? Give example with damage.

IV) Write control measures for store grain pest.

V) What is Forest pest ?

Q.4 Write nature of damage and control measure of following pest. (5 Marks)

I) Caster semilooper

II) Red cotton bug

III) Aphids

IV) Lemon butterfly

V) Jawar stem borer