Information Security
- What is Information Security
Put your notes, materials and information on the topic here...
- Information Security Requirements
Put your notes, materials and information on the topic here...
- Access Control
Put your notes, materials and information on the topic here...
- Trigonometry
Put your notes, materials and information on the topic here...
- Equations
Put your notes, materials and information on the topic here...
- Binary Operations
Put your notes, materials and information on the topic here...
Dear Participants:
For day 3 of our training we will concentrate on content creation for your academic work.
Objective: By the end of the session you will be able create a page on WikiEducator for 3 courses with relevant materials for your students in the next semester
- 1. You will be required to create a page for yourself as I have done
here - www.wikieducator.org/Kafui.
- 2. Please create now by following the instructions below (which was
also printed and given to you in class yesterday):
- Click on the link below or follow the steps - http://wikieducator.org/Wikieducator_tutorial/New_Pages_and_Links/New...
- Simply type the name of the desired page onto the end of the http://www.wikieducator.org/ url, like this http://www.wikieducator.org/ocaca and hit enter.
- This will take you to a page called ocaca and prompt you with the option of creating the Ocaca page.
- 3. On the page, create 3 sub headings for your courses in the next
semester. Do create also a forth one to cater for your announcements and deadlines or date. An example is here - http://wikieducator.org/Kafui#COURSE_MATERIALS_FOR_GPD_113_COURSE
- 4. Create 2 topics that you will teach under each course
- 5. Write an introductory text as I have done here -
- 6. Identify and include 2 reading external source references and
include then as hyperlinks
7. Upload any material that will be relevant to the lesson as done here - http://wikieducator.org/Kafui#COURSE_MATERIALS_FOR_GPD_113_COURSE
NB: I have attached the training schedule for days 1 and 2 for your perusal.
Don't hesitate to send me mails - kafui@kafui.com for clarification.
Good luck - and enjoy the day!
Many thanks. -- Kafui A. Prebbie: CEO, TechAide -Bringing appropriate technology solutions to rural Africa: mobile technologies, low power & virtual computing, networking, solar & power back ups-
Email: Kafui@Kafui.com Web: http://TheAides.com Skype: kaprebbie Tel: +233.(0)3323.21.555 | Office Cell: +233.(0)208.165.057, Mobile: +233.(0)244.429.448 | Fax: +233.(0)3323.21.555