Feedback Form

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The WORKSHOP | Introduction | Objectives | Participants | Workshop Schedule | Guidelines and Working Space


1. What is your overall reaction to the Workshop ? Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor
2. Has this workshop met your expectations ? To a large extend Up to certain extend Poor Not at all
3. The duration of Workshop was Too long Appropriate Too short
4. How was the logical sequence of Workshop ? Very Useful Somewhat Useful Not very useful Not at all useful
5. How was organizational arrangement? Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor
6. What do you think of numbers of resource persons Too Many Appropriate Too less
7. Kindly rate in general the effectiveness of Resource Persons
(tick the appropriate box)
Very effective Somewhat effective Somewhat not effective Not at all effective Others
Knowledge and the subject matter
Organization and presentation
Style and delivery
Responsive to participants
Creating appropriate Learning Environment
8. Sufficiency of the training materials supplied Sufficient Somewhat Sufficient Not sufficient Not at all sufficient
9. How was mix of theory and practical in the Workshop? Too theoretical Good balance Too practical Others
10. Did you get sufficient time for skill practice? Yes No
11. How you will value the Workshop for your immediate/future work? Very valuable Somewhat valuable Somewhat not valuable Not valuable Others