OERu learner support/Help resources/HowToEnterABlogURL

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If you aren't sure what to enter for your blog's URL, this page is here to help you.

The OERu's courses all include a "Course feed". The purpose of the feed is to watch parts of the Internet that learners use, and to pull references to content that is tagged with a course code into a feed that allows all the learners involved in the course to get a sense of what activities their fellow learners are undertaking, or see their impressions of that course. This is part of the learning opportunity the OERu represents.

Your Blog, a Feed, and why you should care

One of the places you can post your thoughts, commentary, or even assignments related to a course is on your own blog, if it has a feed.

If you're not familiar with a "feed", it is a special way of presenting a summary of content on the web in one of a couple well defined formats (they're called RSS (which, depending on whom you ask, stands for either Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary) and Atom) which is readable by other software.

Here're examples of an RSS feed (it's the feed from the OERu's Technology Blog) and an [Atom feed].

Your Blog Feed URL