OERu/Planning/Technology working group/2015-08-21
From WikiEducator
< OERu | Planning | Technology working group
- 2015-08-21 00:30 UTC (hover or click for local time)
- mahara.OERu.org ePortfolio system has been shut down
- WikiEducator/WikiResearcher updated to MW 1.23.10 (and OS kernel/libC updated)
- groups.OERu.org messages now appear in the WEnotes stream
- Widget:DisplayTable is a Javascript solution for pulling specified rows and/or columns out of a wiki table (examples)
- using Pandoc as the first step in converting a course available in Word files to wikitext (and then to a WordPress snapshot) (notes)
- OERf is now hosting a lot of WordPress instances in Docker containers (including a test network AKA multisite)
- Input evaluation survey is live. Tech group members encouraged to respond. (We have a tech section in the survey). (See Announcement.)
- community.oeru.org site - preparing for "launch"
- using Extension:WEtheme to inject Font Awesome icons on a wiki page
- CodeMirror editor is now active on Widget: pages (in addition to standard .js and .css pages) to make editing Javascript more convenient
- OERu Regional meeting sites. Reuse and remix examples: (oz.meetings.oeru.org and ca.meetings.oeru.org)
- WEnotes
- harvest messages from Discourse community.OERu
- ressurrect the ability for client to filter on source (on sub-source? on user? etc.)
- need for a digital asset management exemplar