Feedback on Version 2

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Key points
  1. You must be logged into WikiEducator to provide feedback in the wiki. (Anyone can create an account on WikiEducator.)
  2. Consult Combined questionnaire: Version 2
  3. Add your suggestions to the list below

Q1 - Classification of organisation

  • Q1 – by” b. Vocational training provider” Do you mean they are “registered” or authorised or accredited by some authority or body – OR can they be just a business or organisation or person who provides vocational training? - Kathleenz

Q1A - -Authority to confer credentials

1.A. Does your institution have the authority to confer the following credentials in accordance with local accreditation requirements (Note: Program as a scale grid not individual yes no questions)

  • -- Suggest answer options are put in order of level of qualification, or at least some order. Also that school level is included as we are seeing increasing blending of schooling and higher/further education. Partners such as COL will be particularly interested.  
  • -- Regarding answer options: capitals shout so not recommended; do be consistent.
    a. Bachelors Degree -- Yes/No
    b. Associate Degree --- YES/NO
    c. Postgraduate Degree (including Masters, Doctorate) -- YES/NO
    d. Diploma --- Yes/No
    e. Postgraduate Diploma --- YES/NO
    f. Certificate -- YES/NO
    g. School qualification -- YES/NO
  • Q1A – add in “Advanced Diploma” Would it also be helpful to have some kind of graphic or table which shows the ‘levels’ (for want of a better word) & / or a roll over pop up box that explains eg “usually a four to six year full time course load” OR “often completed after a x y z” User:Professornikidavis

Q5 Region

  • Pacific -- Consider changing to: Pacific (Excluding Australia and New Zealand)--Wayne Mackintosh 01:22, 10 May 2012 (UTC)
  • Combine Australia and New Zealand into one option --Wayne Mackintosh 01:22, 10 May 2012 (UTC)
  • Suggest placing the Australia and New Zealand option immediately below Pacific (Exluding Australia and New Zealand).

Q7 Which of the following apply to your institution? (Select all that apply)

  • Q7 Blue – . Which of the following apply to your institution? See point re roll over box & explanation in General comments below Kathleenz

Q7 Ask all Before today, how aware were you of the following ...

  • Q7 “Ask All” - Are you currently involved with the OERu network? Maybe add an option for response ‘a bit’ - for example, I was a virtual participant in the meeting and get all updates and lurk like crazy – but not sure I would say YES to the question which would then ‘cut me out of’ the other flow on questions. Kathleenz

Q7 Ask all Are you currently involved with the OERu network?

  • Q7 “Ask All” - Are you currently involved with the OERu network? Maybe add an option for response ‘a bit’ - for example, I was a virtual participant in the meeting and get all updates and lurk like crazy – but not sure I would say YES to the question which would then ‘cut me out of’ the other flow on questions. Kathleenz
Good point. Perhaps the options are: 1) Yes, as staff member of an OERu anchor partner 2) No, 3) Interested person 4) Active volunteer 5) Other? --Wayne Mackintosh 01:48, 10 May 2012 (UTC)

Section 2 - Ask all

Section 2 – Ask All – 0 – 3 rating - include range expectation for points 1 & 2. EG 0 – No Participation 1 – Interested and curious / open to Participation 2 – working towards / could implement 3 – central to what my institution does.

Overall comments

  • Can a roll over pop up box be incorporated with definitions / explanations of terms if people need them and / or to ensure everyone has a common understanding in this context. Kathleenz
  • Can there be a comment box under each question for people to add info if they want / need. Kathleenz
  • I definitely think a final question “is there anything else you’d like to say / tell us” would be good to capture those last comments and questions etc – and / or maybe even an option to upload or incorporate a voice response / comment. (if the above is too hard or messy I understand) Kathleenz
    • Cheers and thanks for the opportunity --Kathleenz 00:55, 10 May 2012 (UTC) (By the way I just had to re-do all of the above as someone else edited the page during my update and all that I wrote was ‘lost’. Most people probably know this but maybe a note to save edits in a word document first might be handy ) Sorry about that Kathleenz - Its not necessary, the wiki provides instructions if there is an edit conflict. The problem is that sometimes newbies don't read the instructions on screen ;-). I'll check if I can trace any "lost" edits in the history. --Wayne Mackintosh 01:53, 10 May 2012 (UTC)