Review existing OERs for remix
A significant feature of the OERu model is that courses are based solely on OER and typically assembled from existing OER. The purpose of this page is to identify any gaps in the course materials or where improvement will be required to meet the standards of your institution. The content and structure of this page will be determined by your approach for the course, for example:
QUERY: Might need to distinguish whether we are focussing on OER (resources) or 'Open Courseware', or maybe we start big picture then roll down to more specific resources to fill in gaps . . .
WikiSource has a heap of psychology relevant sources that turn up in a psychology search including original works by Jung and Freud that are now in the public domain, but beware that some of them are 'works in progress'.
Open Courses
There seem to be lots of Psychology courses already available which are tagged as OER, although the copyright licensing does not always allow modification. is the one we have identified to start from.
Another great source looks to be the Wikiversity Psychology page and its linked Introduction to Psychology course.
There are lots of further examples listed in the Open Courseware Consortium. I have downloaded materials from 4 that were readily accessible in modifiable forms, AND had clear licensing statements:
- Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges
- African Virtual University
- Massachsetts Institute of Technology
- Open University UK
(: Check the licenses carefully -- if we want to embed and remix materials, we can only use CC-BY or CC-BY-SA. Otherwise we will need to point to the externally hosted sites. --Mackiwg 06:03, 12 February 2013 (UTC))
They are available for us to preview / review and 'mashup' in the Open Polytechnic Moodle site before we construct more in Wikieducator.
Open texts
Examples of Open Textbooks on psychology sourced from various repositories / clearinghouses. Note that I have included only real 'books': standard publicly available websites which turn up in searches have been excluded.
Dewey, R. Psychology:An Introduction (book appears dated and includes advertising).
From Flatworld Knowledge see:
Click the 'Read Online' button on the right of the linked pages to access the online books.
- Stangor, C. Introduction to Psychology
- Price, P. Research Methods in Psychology
It's also useful to understand their free / buy / adapt publishing model.
Also check out Wikibooks 'Psychology'
Open videos
1. Youtube now makes it possible for contributors to upload CC-BY videos, however, the only way to search on the licensing criteria seems to be through the edit/mashup area (for which you need to be logged in with your own channel).
Components of the following might be usable for an open psychology course:
- Research in psychology (14:22): ppt-like presentation on 3 types of research. The third in a set of 3 on research
- AP Psychology - Online school for girls (2:30) but would need to delete the LMS specific bit
- General Intro to cognitive psychology (3:11) refers to an open course blog on psychology from UNBC
- Psychology study guide (2:19) An ad but for a text could be edited
- Psych.wmv (4.29) an ad for an institution but an interesting multicultural slant
- Finding psychology articles (1:05) Could maybe use the databse bit and not the University specific bit
- Web psychology (10:44) interview
- Perception, The eye (2:59) part of a perception series
- Psychological foundation to curriculum - behaviourism (8:36) part of a series from Taylor University. Informative but not a 'slick' presentation
- A problem in psychology Frank Chodrov (11:19) but is audio only
- Psychology 101 - Wundt James (1:41) One of a series of historical development of psychology
- Psychwar -lesson1-routes of info (6:42)
- Skinner lecturing Part 1 of 7 (9.21)
- George Galloway and psychologist . . . discuss Breivik (7:20) Audio
- Understanding psychological contracts at work (5:11)by University of London. See also, Understanding feelings at work (3:43)
- 1-Shifting paradignms (9:25)
- no title (7:03). Zahovsky(?) on why problem solving courses are difficult and how to handle them.
2. TED Talks can be downloaded and reused so long as they are not adapted (CC-BY-NC-SA see licensing page at The ones I looked at seem to include the ability to download with subtitles in various languages. Some relevant examples might include:
- Steven Pinker on language and thought (17:33)
- Tom Wujec on 3 ways the brain creates meaning Al Seckel says our bins are mis-wired (16:31) includes illusions, and happiness
- Dan Ariely on our buggy moral code (16:20)'Predictable irrationality' and experiments on pain
- Daniel Kahneman: The riddle of experience vs. memory
- Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity (19:29)
- Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation (18:48)