OERu/OERu 17.10 Meeting/CEOs agenda

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  • Registration: 8.30am, York room, Mezzanine level, Sheraton Centre Hotel, Toronto.
  • Start: 9.00am
  • Coffee break: 11.00am
  • Lunch: 1.00pm


  1. Welcome and introductions
  2. Aims of the meeting
  3. Review of the Terms of Reference and office bearers.
    • Terms of Reference
    • Office bearers
    • Vacancy - Deputy Chair (Africa) / Deputy Chair (Middle East)
  4. Progress report
  5. OERu Strategic priorities
    • Partner perspective (Clive Mulholland)
    • OER Foundation perspective (Jim Taylor)
      1. Prioritise the consolidation and evaluation of the free 1st Year of Study initiative and associated exit qualifications prior to allocating resources to 2nd and 3rd year offerings
      2. Explore how OERu might achieve a leadership role in transnational micro-credentialling and the issuing of associated open badges mapped to transcript credit.
      3. Prioritise learner support initiatives, including enhancing the learner support site, trialling P2PU Learning Circles, and refining and implementing Academic Volunteers International
      4. Review and update the open business model to include the potential deployment in mainstream institutional operations of not only OERu open courseware, but also the OERu open source technology infrastructure
    • Articulate what OERu success looks like for partners represented at the CEO's meeting for the next planning cycle (2018 - 2020)
    • Agree approval process for OERu strategic plan (2018 - 2020)
  6. Decision proposals
    • Publish project plan for MVP launch of 23 courses for the OERu 1st year of study by December 2017 (Target: 11 courses during 2017 and 12 courses during 2018) consistent with 2015 CEOs recommendation for a "soft launch" pursuing realistic but conservative targets as the OERu model builds brand awareness and collects data from the process evaluation to inform future decision-making.
      1. Phase 1: Learning in a Digital Age (February 2018)
      2. Phase 2: Principles of Management, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, and Introduction to Project Management (May 2018)
      3. Phase 3: 4 courses (Sept 2018)
      4. Phase 4: 4 courses (Feb 2019)
      5. Phase 5: 4 courses (May 2019)
      6. Phase 6: 4 courses (Sept 2019)
    • Implement marketing plan
      1. Adopt a new learner-focused elevator pitch: Change your life’s course one course at a time. Begin your degree at higher learning institutions from all around the world. Start for free, start today.
      2. Create personas from existing data that we can use to create the marketing brief (November 2017)
      3. Prepare press releases to announce 1st year of study (December 2017)
      4. Finalise landing page for marketing content for learners on the oeru.org website: this includes graphics that tell people how to apply, how to register, how to build a credential, how to use micro-credentials. (December 2018)
      5. Prepare Google Addwords campaign - $10,000 per month (December 2018 - subject to input from partner institutions).
      6. Implement lead nurturing email program to announce the first year of study via newsletter communications (First announcement January 2018, reminder beginning February 2018)
      7. Draft marketing brief to inform marketing strategy for remaining courses (March 2018)
    • Complete the Process Evaluation and initiate the Analytics Project with a view to expediting the planning and implementation of the Product Evaluation (October 2017)
    • Rationalise the OERu organisational structures
      1. Three working groups reporting to the OER Management Committee: Curriculum and Quality, Technology, Marketing and Recruitment. ( Collapse Curriculum, Program of Study, Quality and Credit Transfer into Curriculum and Quality)
      2. Establish a Transnational Advisory Group (TAG)
    • Improve learner support
      1. Work with P2Pu Learning Circles to support selected OERu courses
      2. Scope what a pay for support or pay for tutoring service may look like and how it could be viable
      3. Research what the OERu learner support services may need and what OERu can offer
  7. Issues for CEOs meeting
    • Should OERu provide support / consulting services to partners?
  8. Risk register
  9. Conclusion