OERu/OERu 16.10 Meeting/Group 4 Tech community source
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Task: Identify strategies to improve partner engagement in development and adoption of OERu open source technologies and foster the implementation of a community source model
Remember to add any issues that your group would like to be tabled at the CEOs meeting on the issues list.
What are the tangible benefits for partners to engage in OERu open source technologies?
- Reduce costs and efforts of exploring new tool options.
- Open source tools and standards reduce the risks of tools becoming obsolete or incompatible, reduce "lock-in".
- OERu provides demonstration, proof of concept of useful tools. OERu installs can serve as sandbox or test instances.
- Responsive and proactive role in innovation
List strategies to improve partner engagement in development and adoption
- Let OERu Tech Group be a "technological nexus" assisting with assessment and deployment of new technologies among its members.
- Provide an open resource/tool/learning repository.
- Renewed call for OERu Tech WG members among members.
- Implement communication strategies to reduce instances of collaborative partners adopting mutually incompatible tools and technologies
Decision proposals
Don't forget to assign responsibility for implementing the decisions - i.e who will do it
Issue Raised
There is a tension between notion of course content that exists as "living documents", or "forked versions" and the "quality assurance" attached to an "approved version" that is credentialed.