OERu/OERu 16.10 Meeting/CEOs agenda
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< OERu | OERu 16.10 Meeting
- Welcome and introductions
- Aims of the meeting
- Review of the Terms of Reference and office bearers.
- Decision proposals
- Launch the OERu MVP 1st year of study - 15 March 2017 including:
- Due diligence steps
- Course outline templates for academic course review and bilateral credit transfer and articulation agreements for nominated MVP exit awards
- Establish and implement the OERu Ambassadors initiative based on guidelines proposed during the partners' meeting
- Progress the implementation of the staff development proposals
- Renew the call for partner representation on the OERu technology working group.
- Reconfigure the proposal for OERu Academic Board into a Programme Advisory Group based on notes from the partners' meeting.
- Progress the implementation of Academic Volunteers International and related student support recommendations.
- Initiate consultation on the OERu Strategic Plan 2018 - 2020 (drawing on the strategic goal recommendations from the meeting) to be tabled at the 6th International Meeting of OERu partners.
- Technology roadmap:
- Implement SSO as a priority
- Progress Open Badge Backpack ("blockchain-ready") as a shared service for OERu partners
- Consider authoring and course site publishing alternatives drawing on the MVP experience
- Create an open, safe place for partner representatives to express technology needs and to get feedback on open source tool options.
- Launch the OERu MVP 1st year of study - 15 March 2017 including:
- Issues tabled for CEOs meeting
- Partner recruitment
- Improve geographical representation - how can existing partners assist?
- Validate and communicate costs, benefits and advantages
- Learner recruitment
- MarComs guidelines for partners
- Articulate what OERu success looks like for partners represented at the CEO's meeting
- Clarify the longer term goal (Full degree? Other?)
- Accelerate limited scope pilots by a small group of partners (e.g. an open boundary course pilot (LiDa), Other?)
- Delineate partner costs / budget implications, and consider crowd funding for shared projects?
- Prioritise research and evaluation
- Consider the balance between work on OERu architecture and work on OERu courses
- Develop a risk register for review.
- Partner recruitment