OERu/OERu 15.10 Meeting/Group 2 Critical friend review
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Link back to OERu Session 2 Agenda
What is the OERu doing well?
- good work done in technology area
- simplification where institutions can use their own learning environments
- better access to information via the front end (CMS)
- working groups have helped increase focus on necessary areas
- more structure – things easier to find - good management structure – everyone can participate and move things forward
Where or how can the OERu network improve?
- as novice not convinced of longevity
- need more content – otherwise more managing than building
- information overload
- hard to know what OERu is about based on - wiki confusing
- problems with wiki but those problems can be addressed
- question of credit hours – how they translate across jurisdictions
- technology might be difficult for some students
- need to have well established structure
- needs more policy development – small - club (no membership fees) – down to two working groups – maybe too many groups – focus on 2-3 per year
- Australia government undertaking OER- policy task force – maybe can copy from that work rather than from scratch – use exemplars of OER practices elsewhere
- concerns about micro-credentials – can’t - use toward accreditation process
- need focused individuals at the network - level to get things done (not overly distributed) – hard to get critical mass of doers
- need very short description of the benefits of participation
What are the top 3 priorities this partner meeting should address?
- marketing
- completed program of full courses leading to a credential
Do you have any issues which should be tabled at the OERu Council of CEOs meeting?
- marketing
- completed program of full courses leading to a credentia