TOUCANS Research questionnaire consultation

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This is a request for feedback on the draft questionnaires about the OERu:

Version 1

  • Questionnaire 1: A draft questionnaire aimed specifically at OERu Anchor Partner members
Purpose: to identify some key indicators for the success of the OERu.
  • Questionnaire 2: A draft questionnaire aimed at staff in non-OERTen institutions, including members of the WikiEducator community
Purpose: to determine an institution's compatibility with the OERu concept, based on the indicators from Questionnaire 1.

Version 2

  • Combined questionnaire: Version 2 -- TOUCANS project (University of Leicester) and OERu contextual evaluation (University of Southern Queensland) now collaborating on the research.

For further background information, please see the brief blog post at .

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Key points
We invite feedback on the draft questions before the close of your business on 12 May 2012.
  • The purpose of your feedback is NOT to answer the questions, but to enable the researchers to revise and refine the questionnaires before sending them out.
  • The researchers will be returning to the Wikieducator and OER community with a request to fill in the relevant questionnaire after the draft questions has been revised (according to your feedback) in a week's time.
  • The researchers will take final decisions on the implementation of your feedback.


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Key points
  1. You must be logged into WikiEducator to provide feedback in the wiki. (Anyone can create an account on WikiEducator.)
  2. Consult the draft items in Questionnaire 1 - Completed
  3. Provide your feedback and suggestions for improvement on Questionnaire 1 - Completed
  4. Consult the draft items in Questionnaire 2 - Completed
  5. Provide your feedback and suggestions for improvement on Questionnaire 2. - Completed
  6. Consult Combined questionnaire: Version 2
  7. Suggestions for improvement on Version 2

Links to research draft research questionnaires

Links to feedback pages in the wiki

Your feedback by Sat 12th May 2012 will be greatly appreciated

Please submit your feedback on the following wiki pages.