Inventory of LMSs and testing WE content integration

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Open ICT infrastructure is one of the initiatives of the OERu logic model. We need to run a test whether your local LMS can support integrating web pages from the WIkiEducator servers. If your local install supports the <iframe> tag -- it should work. However, always prudent to test in the local environment and resolve any issues.

To facilitate this process, could you please confirm your local LMS and provide the contact details of a nominated technical at your institution for this test by completing the wiki table.

The OER foundation will contact your nominated technical support person and provide information on how you can test the feature or ideas for resolving any challenges.

Thanks Wayne

PS If your technical folk are interested in how this works, here are two links they can consult:

Please complete the LMS and version number columns in the table below. The purpose is to identify the LMS systems used by anchor partners so we can test integration of WikiEducator pages in the local LMS and identify any technical issues which must be resolved.

Anchor partner Local LMS for OERu courses Version Name and email for techie contact Tested Comments
Athabasca  Moodle 1.9 Daryl Campbell production
ESC Moodle (by Sept 2013) 2.1

Stephen Simon

Yes transitioning from ANGEL 8 to MoodleRooms(Joule) for September 2013 term
NMIT Moodle
NorthTec Moodle 1.9 Richard Collecutt email Yes Successful
Open Polytechnic Moodle 1.9 Linda Screen email Yes Successful
Otago Polytechnic Moodle
SNHU Blackboard 8.0.494.35 Kristen Freilich Yes Served only by SSL, so insecure content warning
TRU Blackboard 8.4 Bob Byrne email Yes Successful
UCAN Moodle
Unisa myUnisa/Sakai Francette Myburgh email Yes Successful - Automated integration will require some development. Also myUnisa content served via SSL, so insecure content warning.
USQ Moodle
OERF Moodle 2.x Jim Tittsler email Yes Successful
BCcampus Moodle

Note: As of 2014-09-20 English WikiEducator has been available over SSL.