International media and selected presentations
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< OERu(Redirected from OER university/International media)
- Open education the sustainable way in the knowledge age. University World News, 23 August 2015.
- NOUN leads open education in Nigeria by joining the OERu family, National Open University of Nigeria, 19 June 2015.
- OERu at Open Education Global 2015, OERu, 4 May 2015.
- The Open University launches Badged Open Courses, he Open University, 16 February 2015.
- OU joining OERu, The Open University, 16 February 2015.
- NZ National Commission for UNESCO supports OER mOOCs for capability development at OERF, OERu, 15 December 2015.
- Meet Michelle Aragon - OERu's first graduate, Thompson Rivers University, 8 December 2014.
- The University of Canberra launches UC Open. UC Learning, 8 December 2014.
- Open education lowers barriers to formal study, University of Wollongong, 12 November 2014.
- University of the Highlands and Islands joins global free education network, 29 October 2014.
- Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand joins forces with the OER Foundation, CCANZ, 28 July 2014
- OER Foundation joins the Open Policy Network, OERu, 20 May 2014
- OERu partner Unisa approves OER strategy, OERu, 15 May 2014.
- Are micro-MOOCs the future of OERu?, BCcampus, 1 May 2014.
- Open education promises income, Otago Daily Times, 12 April 2014.
- Gearing up for scalable OERu operations, OERu Newsletter, 6 March 2014.
- Want to code this summer and help OERu learners?, OER Foundation, 26 February 2014.
- Portage partners with OERu, Portage College, 13 February 2014.
- OERu set to revolutionise tertiary learning, Connections, Commonwealth of Learning, November 2013.
- First members of ICDE Chairs network announced, ICDE, 16 December 2013.
- The OER university becomes OER universitas, OER Foundation Board of Directors, 19 December 2013.
- Jim Taylor named as Honorary Fellow for ground-breaking OERu work, University of Southern Queensland, 4 December 2013.
- A new mooc development but not as you know it jim!, EdTalkNZ, Stuart Middleton, 3 December 2013.
- Sustainable Lens: Wayne Mackintosh, radio interview, 2 December 2013.
- Open Educational Resource university, Enseignement supérieur, Recherche, Science et Technologie, Québec, 27 November 2013.
- OERu: an Online University that uses only Open Educational Content!. (Greek article), Social Policy, 27 November 2013.
- Global: Open Educational Resource university is launched. United Nations Public Administration Network, 26 November 2013.
- Nightly interview: Wayne Mackintosh, Dunedin Television News, 25 November 2013.
- UNESCO Chair established at Otago Polytechnic to implement OERu, Otago Polytechnic / OER Foundation, 21 November 2013.
- Unisa founding anchor partner of Open Education Resources university, Unisa, 21 November 2013.
- Contact North Joins OERu International Network, Contact North | Contact Nord, 18 November 2013.
- MOOC opportunities “Down Under”, AACRAO, 11 November 2013.
- After MOOCs now the mOOC, (Dutch article), ScienceGuide, 6 November 2013.
- University offers free, credit-bearing courses online, Education Investor, 5 November 2013.
- OERu Launches Worldwide, Creative Commons, 4 November 2013.
- Open Educational Resource University Has been Launched Worldwide, Classroom Aid, 4 November 2013.
- Open Educational Resource university launched over weekend, University of Southern Queensland, 4 November 2013.
- TRU joins free education movement.Online university combines resources from around the world. The Daily New, Kamloops, 1 November 2013.
- Open Educational Resources University launches, Athabasca University, 1 November 2013.
- NWU and OERu in a golden partnership, North West University, 1 November 2013.
- Open Educational Resource university is launched, University World News, 1 November 2013.
- Free Open Learning University Launches at TRU, CFJC TV, Kamloops, 1 November 2013.
- The free university launching in NZ. TVNZ Breakfast, 31 October 2013.
- The launch of OERu: Towards free learning opportunities for all students worldwide, BCcampus, 31 October 2013.
- Mooc rival OERu puts accreditation on menu, Times Higher Education, 31 October 2013.
- Polytech opens a door to the world, Otago Daily Times, 26 October 2013.
- Open Educational Resource university to be launched worldwide, 25 October, 2013.
- The OERu is smart philanthropy: interview with Wayne Mackintosh, Gabi Witthaus, POERUP (Policies for OER uptake) project, 14 August 2013.
- Three compelling voices from the OER university: a case study, Gabi Witthaus, POERUP (Policies for OER uptake) project, 14 August 2013.
- Quality and the eye of the MOOC beholder: Perspectives from the OERu on mOOCs and micro-credentials, Wayne Mackintosh, 10 July 2013.
- Commoditization of Higher Education in Australia, Ken Udas and Jan Thomas, The Evollution, 27 June 2013. (Includes references to OERu's thinking about micro Open Online Courses)
- IT Sligo joins the OERu as first anchor partner from Ireland, 2 June 2013.
- OER university. 12 Open Educational Resources: From Khan to MIT. Information Week, 12 March 2013.
- OER university practices go well beyond open enrollment, Paul Stacey,, 12 March 2013.
- OERu: Distinctively Open, Creative Commons, 26 February 2013.
- Another world first for Otago Polytechnic: OP to offer full credential for the OERu, Otago Polytechnic, 13 December 2012.
- Excelsior College Joins Forces With International Open Educational Providers, Excelsior College, 7 November 2012.
- The OER university: Kiwi ingenuity leads a low cost, low risk but high impact solution for open education futures worldwide, Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand, Open Access Week 2012, 22 October 2012.
- E-learning 'to cater for whole world', Nelson Mail, 15 October 2012.
- Australia's University of Southern Queensland launches the first OERu prototype, 3 October 2012.
- Bridging the Technology Gap - The Case of the Missing Content, Asha Kanwar. Presented at the Stakeholder Forum at the 18th Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (18CCEM), 30 August 2012.
- Snapshots on the OER university network, University of Wollongong, 30 August 2012.
- Thomas Edison State College joins forces with the OERu network, 24 August 2012.
- Meet the Open University of Catalonia: Europe's first OERu anchor partner, 30 July 2012.
- Television interview with Sir John Daniel, France 24, 13 July 2012.
- Online and free, the real education revolution accelerates, The Australian, 3 July 2012.
- OERu share solutions for Education for All at UNESCO World OER Congress, OER Foundation, 19 June 2012.
- Global declaration to boost open educational resources, University World News, 3 June 2012, (OERu cited).
- OERu: Providing opportunities for students to gain college credit with OERs, Saylor Foundation, 22 March 2012.
- OERu 2012 prototype courses: Incremental OER innovation, WikiEducator, 22 March 2012.
- Thanks to Creative Commons, OER university will provide free learning with formal academic credit, Cable Green, 20 March 2012
- Learning for nothing and your course for free, Bridges, Thompson Rivers University, Spring 2012, Issue # 7, p. 6.
- What does OERu mean for a blended university, Sandra Wills, University of Wollongong. eLearning Knowledge Sharing webinar - Open Education Week 2012, University of Leicester. 7 March 2012.
- A birds-eye view of the OERu: some insights from the TOUCANS project, Gabi Witthaus, University of Leicester. eLearning Knowledge Sharing webinar - Open Education Week 2012, University of Leicester. 6 March 2012.
- Open Education Week - Why take the OER path, Vasi Donceheva, NorthTec. eLearning Knowledge Sharing webinar - Open Education Week 2012, University of Leicester. 6 March 2012
- The OER university: Enabling universal access to higher education, Jim Taylor, University of Southern Queensland. eLearning Knowledge Sharing webinar - Open Education Week 2012, University of Leicester. 6 March 2012.
- OERu Pioneers meet in New Zealand, Connections, February 2012, Commonwealth of Learning.
- Education in the digital blender, Jennifer Bennett, Campus Review, 5 March 2012. (Requires login)
- Cap and gown learning on a shoestring budget, Jon Marcus, Times Higher Education, 23 February 2012.
- University of Wollongong to offer low cost education, Angela Thompson, Illawarra Mercury, 8 December 2011.
- OER university gains momentum, Jim Taylor, Campus Review, 5 December 2011 (requires registered username).
- Alternative Ways to Earn Your Degree: Discussing OER University with Rory McGreal, Interview with Education-portal-com, November 2011.
- OERu open content to expand college access, Tom Vander Ark, Getting Smart, 6 November 2011.
- SNHU Creates Innovation Lab and Partners with OERu, Southern New Hampshire University Press Release, 29 October 2011.
- SUNY Empire State College joins OERu and establishes presence on WikiEducator, Empire State College Press Release, 4 October 2011.
- The Transformation of Higher Education through Prior Learning Assessment, Anya Kamenetz, Change Magazine, September - October 2011.
- Meet Athabasca U - Canada's First OER university. Athabasca University and OER Foundation announcement, 31 August 2011.
- SUNY Empire State College joins OERu and establishes presence on WikiEducator , Empire State College and OER Foundation international announcement, 25 August 2011.
- The Impact of New Business Models for Higher Education on Student Financing, Sir John Daniel (Commonwealth of Learning) and Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić (UNESCO) propose OERu as new business model for higher education, 12 August 2011.
- OERu: Increasing access to post-secondary education, Partners Section, Connections. June 2011. Commonwealth of Learning.
- Economic imperatives for new educational models: The case of OERu. OCW Consortium Blog, 31 May 2011.
- Open Courseware, Open Content, Open Practices, Open Learning: Where are the limits?. Sir John Daniel, Commonwealth of Learning, Professor Asha Kanwar, Commonwealth of Learning and Stamenka Uvalić-Trumbić, UNESCO. OpenCourseWare Consortium, Global 2011 Conference, Cambridge, MA, USA, May 4-6, 2011.
- An Open University for the 21st Century, Jim Taylor and Wayne Mackintosh, Follow the Sun, Learning Futures Festival 2011, University of Leicester, 13–15 April 2011.
- The OER university. Wayne Mackintosh, Open Nottingham Seminar, University of Nottingham, 7 April 2001.
- The OER University: Institution or Consortium?. Sir John Daniel, 4 April 2011.
- Revolutions in higher education: how many dimensions of openness?, Sir John Daniel, The Ernest Boyer Lecture, 23 March 2011.
- Introducing the OER university, interview published by, 23 March 2011.
- Open Education Around the World: Speaks with the University of Southern Queensland, interview with Jim Taylor, 15 March 2011.
- Universities need to open minds on digital learning and teaching, Campus Review, Australia. 14 March 2011.
- Will Higher Education Split?, Sir John Daniel references the OER University confirming that the system will reduce the cost of higher education dramatically. 8 March 2011.
- Online university discussions begin., Samoa observer, 26 February 2011.
- New uni to bring classes to the masses, Northern Weekly, Melbourne, Australia. 21 February 2011.
- Channel 9 News, Dunedin, New Zealand. 21 February 2011.
- University of Southern Queensland plan for free online university, The Australian, 16 February 2011.
- Plan for online university, Otago Daily Times, 12 February 2011.
- From where I sit: Everyone wins in this free for all. Times Higher Education, London, 10 February 2011.
- OER university to cut cost of degree, in Times Higher Education, London, 10 February 2011.
- Designing assessment and credit pathways for open education learners, Creative Commons, 9 February 2011.
- Towards an OER university: Free learning for all students worldwide, UNESCO press release, 8 February 2011.