OER Mobile Phone Integration in Agriculture
Mobile Phone Integration into the Agricultural sector as a pathway to improved livelihoods in Africa
(Frank Tumusiime Batungwa, Moses Tenywa, Krishna Alluri,, Niyitengeka Michael, Bekunda Mateete, Bernared Fungo, Nakanyike-Musisi, Samuel Katunguka, Swale Basse James Wire, Ninsiima Daniel, Tweheyo Pius, SSebinywa Grace and all the E-unais members)
There are different media platforms through which farmers access information in Africa. This includes radios, televisions, print, person to person and so many others. How ever with the rapid growth in technology, I strongly believe that we should extend the mobile phones’ use to agriculture sector. Currently, mobile phones are widely used in day to day activities of social, economic and political spheres of life evidenced worldwide.
With the support of Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, Makerere University, Makerere University Agricultural Research Institute, Kabanyolo (MUARIK), COL and I@mak.com we have developed a multimedia plat form(Online discussion forum, telemedicine mechanism, SMSD-Short Messages Delivery that includes pull and push components, Chart Room, Mail Functionality) that links the farmers, researchers, extension workers (government and non government organizations), private sector, policy makers, educators and consumers with the use of the mobile phone technology. In order for this resource to have the desired impact, we would like to collectively develop open educational resource learning resources for the process of integration including exploring other widely accepted media for life long learning such as community radio.
Developing learning resources for integration of mobile phone functionality in multimedia for improved livelihood
--Ftumusiimeb 21:49, 17 July 2008 (UTC)