OER Handbook/educator/Find/Science repositories with tables

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Over time more science repositories have adopted open licenses. Science repositories with full copyright can be found in the appendix.


Repository Type of Repository Description Number of Resources License
ADUni.org (http://aduni.org/courses/) OpenCourseWare Website of the alumni of ArsDigita University (ADU), a one-year, intensive post-baccalaureate program in Computer Science based on the undergraduate course of study at MIT. The programme was forced to shut down in 2001, but the course materials are available on the site for free use. 13 computer science courses CC-BY-SA


Repository Type of Repository Description Number of Resources License
PhET (Physics Education Technology) (http://phet.colorado.edu/new/index.php) Simulation library A suite of Java and Flash simulations for teaching and learning physics from the Physics Education Technology project of the University of Colorado. The simulations are animated, interactive and game-like environments in which students learn through exploration. They emphasise the connections between real life phenomena and the underlying science and seek to make the visual and conceptual models of expert physicists accessible to students. Findings from prior research and student testing are incorporated into the design. The simulations run directly from the website. Users can also download and install the entire website on to any their computer for use offline. A guide details how the simulations can be best used to support both in-class teaching and individual learning. Simulations are also available in Spanish. 49 simulations for physics education Licensed GPL software (freedom to modify)


Repository Type of Repository Description Number of Resources License
Physclips: Mechanics with animations and video film clips (http://www.physclips.unsw.edu.au/) Simulation library Kinematics and dynamics are presented here in multimedia, at introductory and also at deeper levels. Individual video clips and animations are suitable for use by teachers, while students may use the whole package for self instruction or for reference. Animations from Physclips require the Flash 6 Plugin. The multimedia modules have animations and film clips and are typically 3-5 Mb. The much smaller HTML versions have only text and images. If your connection is slow, you might read some of the background links while the modules load. 12 simulations CC-BY-NC-ND


Repository Type of Repository Description Number of Resources License
HEAL (Health Education Assets Library) (http://www.healcentral.org/) Animation and image library Part of the US National Science Foundation's National Science Digital Library Project, the goal of the project is to create a collection of digital teaching and learning resources for medical students and professionals. Users can search the main "Reviewed Collection," a collection of materials awaiting review and 12 affiliated collections. Users can submit materials for review and possible inclusion in the main collection. HEAL is hosted by the University of Utah, UCLA and the University of Oklahoma. 21,834 resources Most CC-BY-NC-SA
Intute: Health and Life Sciences (http://www.intute.ac.uk/healthandlifesciences/) Animation, image and text library A free online service providing access to the very best web resources for education and research, evaluated and selected by a network of subject specialists in the health and life sciences. Over 31,000 resources License varies


Exemplary Collection of Open eLearning Content Repositories. (2007, February 1). WikiEducator. Retrieved March 21, 2008, http://wikieducator.org/Exemplary_Collection_of_Open_eLearning_Content_Repositories#Science
OER Development and Publishing Initiatives. (2008, February 13). OER Wiki. Retrieved April 2, 2008, from http://oerwiki.iiep-unesco.org/index.php?title=OER_development_and_publishing_initiatives