OER Adaptation

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OER Adaptation Examples

UNESCO and the French University of Egypt (UFE) partnered with MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) and other universities to localize open materials to meet their needs. They did this by selecting the parts of the OCW course that fit the corresponding UFE courses and translating the selected parts into French. They also added modules to complete the course to meet their standards, and added locally-created graphics and/or animations whenever necessary to clarify points appropriately for their students.

TESS has created a set of generic core of materials that can be localized for different national contexts. These materials are customized for the different sub-Saharan countries through language translation (Arabic, English, French, Kiswahili and isiXhosa) as well as localized case studies that take into consideration the context of the region the teacher is in. Currently there are 752 sections with 250 activities localized into the different national contexts. For example, a science curriculum exploring sound and music localized for Nigeria used a Nigerian teacher and local Nigerian music in the case study example