Planning the donation campaign
From WikiEducator
[hide]Ideas for donation straplines
During the annual donation campaign the WikiEducator site notice will be replaced by the donation campaign banner displaying the denotation strapline. We may decide to use a number of staplines, i.e. rotate / display a different strapline for subsequent visits.
- Support access to free and open education. We need your help. -- (Suggested by Randy)
- Support free and open education. We need your help. -- (Suggested by Randy)
- Free and open education is a right. Help support our community. -- (Suggested by Randy)
- Free and open education - we can't do it without you. Please support us. -- (Suggested by Randy)
- Open Education can change the world. Please support us. (or, Please SuppOERt us!) -- (Suggested by Randy)
- OER, Please SuppOERt us! --(Suggested by Randy)
- We need your SuppOERt! -- (Suggested by Randy)
- Access free and open education. We need your suppOERt! -- (Suggested by Randy)
- Support WikiEdcuator - Strapline: Give the gift of knowledge to educators in 120 Countries -- (Wayne and Randy)
Draft banners
First example
WikiEducator believes learning materials should be free for all students of the world. WE invest in people to share free content.
You can help us: Donate now or join the Open Education Resource (OER) Foundation as a contributing partner.
You can help us: Donate now or join the Open Education Resource (OER) Foundation as a contributing partner.
Example demonstrating alternate strapline
We could automatically generate alternate strap lines, for instance each hour of the day ...
WikiEducator believes learning materials should be free for all students of the world. WE invest in people to share free content.
You can help us: Donate now or join the Open Education Resource (OER) Foundation as a contributing partner.
You can help us: Donate now or join the Open Education Resource (OER) Foundation as a contributing partner.
Second example
Waiting for the graphic gurus of our community to contribute more impressive banners :-)
FAQs for donation campaign
- Please add your FAQs (and suggested answers) here.