OERF:2011.11 OERu Anchor Partner Meeting Backchannel

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A variety of methods were used to provide immediate feedback from the virtual participants watching the webcast of the 2011.11 OERu anchor partner planning meeting that was held in Dunedin on 09-10 November 2011. These included the identi.ca and Twitter micro-blogging services and the Ustream chat channel.

Wednesday, 09 November 2011, Morning Session
Ustream identi.ca Twitter
oerubot It is great to hear the international interest in OERu.

carolyeager Hoping to hear more about process in collaboratons rather than content ... this may be a difficult approach.
nelliemuller I am also interested in learning what cannot be said online. Background information is available online. How can a face-to-face meeting add to the information that can be accessed online.
nelliemuller Otherwise, why meet face-to-face?
nelliemuller Having an online panel is a great idea. :)
kathleenz Hi all :)
nelliemuller Hi kathleen
kathleenz wow hey .. it is amazing that the buzz travels via the tech - isn't it :)
nelliemuller Did anyone notice the name of the person who is there from Thompson Rivers?
oerubot Judith Murray
nelliemuller Thank you
kathleenz lollie for oerubot!
kathleenz cute name btw..
oerubot It was supposed to be just for logging the convesation here... but the restrictions on the network means I have to chat from here too.
kathleenz So a question - It is GREAT to see the big orgs & like somone said = Credibility ...
kathleenz ... & .. a way in for little orgs? ... ideas?
carolyeager I missed name of BC rep ... cna anyone fill me in?
nelliemuller Are you able to chat via one of the social stream networks?
carolyeager Perhaps the collaboration arena in course offerings will be a way for smaller orgs to participate and contribute ...
nelliemuller it would be nice to stream music while we wait :)
kathleenz yes & I thought Vol as a 'helper' / student supporter?
oerubot Yes, I think the area of student support that Jim Taylor is planning to talk about later will be a great way for smaller organizations (and even individuals) to participate.
kathleenz RPL is my passion ... esp - looking at LIFE experience & helping ppl see its appication to 'learning'
carolyeager It will be fascinating to note what evolves, what works well, and what needs to be rethought ...
carolyeager Agrees with a + kathleenz
carolyeager LIFE experience is valuable learing and it is great when recognized as such
oerubot carolyeager: I believe it was Judith Murray of Thompson Rivers that did the introduction on behalf of BC Campus.
carolyeager and equated to college level learning ... and beyond :-)
carolyeager thx oerubot ... I thought so, and was not quite sure as I was listening then, not watching :-)
kathleenz sorry - did my last comment re getting a copy of chat go up?
kathleenz sorry - did my last comment re getting a copy of chat go up?
carolyeager only see 2x query on whether getting copy of chat comment is up
kathleenz oh ok - thanks - can see u now
kathleenz ok - we r back on :) -
kctucker Policy: will all learning resources and tests be accessible and adaptable with free/libre software for universal access and inclusion?
kctucker Agree: indep of pedagogy :-)
kathleenz me too :)
kctucker Agree: indep of pedagogy :-) Evaluating the evaluators? Institutional level? Course/module level? Examination level? Cf PloS wrt evaluating the paper itself (indep. of the Journal in which it was published).
kctucker Pedagogy: freedom to innovate. Share approaches and ideas.
kathleenz agree .. a 'polling function' would be handy :)
kctucker Minimal requirements templates - extendable.
kctucker Commonality: what binds us? Policy level free access and participation for all, free/libre software and open standards, freedom to innovate, localisable quality and assessment protocols.
nelliemuller Is that Amy Tucker?
kctucker No, Kim Tucker. Hi :-)
nelliemuller HI Kim
kctucker Yes, name is a problem: "Libre University"
kathleenz Re Assessor judgements - I like the idea of being able to talk with / go to / 'validate'? with 'others' ..
nelliemuller Whom is OER targeting?
nelliemuller I am also finding the OER name problematic.
kathleenz GREAT when the name popped up!
kctucker and Libre Education Foundation :-)
nelliemuller who is going to pay the bills to run the OER
carolyeager OERF or OERu ?
nelliemuller OERu
kathleenz is anyone elses socail stream in here 'stuck'?
nelliemuller what do you mean by "stuck", Kathleen?
carolyeager mine seems to be OK
kctucker To Nellie: The universities will have lower edu resource production costs via peer production and sharing. Small (1%) overhead on lecturers to share their courseware. Maybe some initiation costs.
oerubot nelliemuller: Each student pays for their participation (at least the assessment) at one of the networked universities.
carolyeager And, each partner covers the cost of a representative within the OERu
nelliemuller so students do not pay the OERu, they pay their univesities, but what about those who do not belong to a uni?
oerubot If they are not participating in the hope of gaining a credential from a university, then as Kim was saying, the costs of their self-study are very low.
nelliemuller I would like to see the resources up and running
carolyeager Someone has to cover the cost of the accredidation ... other than that, the learining is no cost
nelliemuller I get the feeling that it will take years of "talking" before I see anything up there.
kathleenz Re 'stuck' - I can't post in the socail stream ..
kctucker Maybe you have to sign in?
nelliemuller @kathleen, I cannot post on the social stream, either.
oerubot Exactly, and this network is about assessing and providing those credentials... which is the point where payment for the service the universities are providing comes in.
nelliemuller again, what if I want to get credit but am not affliated with a uni, whom do I pay?
oerubot The "social stream" is really just a way to post to Twitter/Facebook from the UStream page. Feel free to use your favorite Twitter interface.
kathleenz It is so good when names come up!
carolyeager I am posting in Chat as social stream is not available to me
kathleenz ok - thanks all re the stuck issue :)
oerubot Nellie if you want to get credit you would want to approach a member uni. Otherwise where would you get "credit?"
oerubot The universities are the ones that do assessment and decide to award (transferrable) credit.
kathleenz Re paying - who = I think it will be you take your learning evidence - THEN choose a Uni in the network to apply to
nelliemuller I would like to get credit and then apply to a uni
kathleenz ooohh nellie - interesting ..
nelliemuller in other words, what about students who want to learn, accumulate credit and then apply to a uni for a degree
oerubot Who would give you that "credit"? I think it is useful to work through organizations (universities) that have already government recognized credentialing.
carolyeager @Nellie ... and how does that learnig become accredited by that uni?
carolyeager if a standard agreement of the assessment process is not established by all members?
nelliemuller if the OER can offer that opportunity
nelliemuller like the University of the People
oerubot Easier to get the credit from assessors that already exist.
nelliemuller I'm thinking of the students who cannot afford the uni tuition, who wish to learn, get credit for what they learn via the OER platform like wikieducator
oerubot Many (most?) of the participants in OERu OERten are already doing assessment for prior learning.
oerubot Which is exactly the plan. You study, and then you get a university to assess/verify that study for credit.
kathleenz OK ... I am a very small Australian registered training org with Aust recognised vocational certificates & dipolmas on scope - I am Assessment Only - SO for me = YOU do OERU 'stuff' - & show me u have
kathleenz =s I coud issue an Austrlaian quailifcation ..
nelliemuller Is the OER initative about saving money for organizations or reaching out to students who cannot afford the high tution and maybe both
kathleenz that is how I see it working - well one way anyway
oerubot It isn't just tuition. I think among the benefits are being able to extend reach to more people studying independently.
carolyeager {{{3}}}
oerubot Or those that can't take 2, 3, 4 years off to attend a campus but are interested in studying
oerubot and then being assessed and credentialed.
nelliemuller @oerubot agree about independent learners
nelliemuller I agree about Moodle.
kathleenz me too
nelliemuller For the underdeveoped and developing countries, tuition is an issue.
kathleenz I wish Prof Jim Taylor was on twitter - I want to connect with him
nelliemuller For the underdeveoped and developing countries, tuition is an issue. I hope the OERu will not be a closed platform for the select few which would mean leaving out many from the third world
nelliemuller the focus needs to be on the student as much as it is on the organizations
kctucker I wonder status of Sakai project and distributed Moodle etc. - Sakai Project, Moodle, etc. - <URL removed>
nelliemuller who will be able to access the resources, paid or unpaid or both?
kathleenz Should also note private RTOs (Australian terms = Registered Training Organisation
kathleenz Nellie - BOTH - is my understanding :)
nelliemuller I get the feeling that the organizations are trying to pool resources as a closed group
nelliemuller Bye everyone
kathleenz I'm not sure Nel - WAYNE has siad many times - OPEN to ALL?
nelliemuller I facilitated over 10 workshops on OER for WikiEducator and I'm totally confused now
oerubot The resources can certainly be open, but assessment comes iwth a cost.
kctucker cc-by and c-by-sa will liberate the learning resources. Managing who participates might become challenging - hence the need for localisable accreditation protocols.
kctucker In the long term expect multiple consortia of federated accreditors.
oerubot Yes, and having members in many regions is useful.
oerubot I notice in the North America we have members of the 3 different accreditation bodies which is rather cool.
nelliemuller OER4O
nelliemuller Open Education Resources for Organizations :)
kctucker No the OER are for the learners.
nelliemuller it's going to be for the organizations that join the OER movement
nelliemuller and their students
nelliemuller Yes, learners of the OER organizations
oerubot Learners using OER, and then finding an organization to credential their learning.
nelliemuller @OERubot, yes, that would be my idea.
nelliemuller or my understanding
oerubot That is the OERu future we are planning
nelliemuller we are planning? Who is the "we"
kctucker But I think there will be more flexibility around which organizations (a learner might associate with more than one).
oerubot Kim, yes, I think that is part of the strength of the network
oerubot (or eventually networks)
oerubot the ability to transfer those credits among member organizations of the network.
kctucker Thanks everyone for the chat :-) - checking out now. Good night (or day etc.).
nelliemuller Wayne had an OERF next to his name
oerubot Off for lunch. See you all laster.
oerubot Wayne is a director of the OER Foundation.
nelliemuller I have an OER email. Does that mean I am also part of the organization?
oerubot I think you've helped facilitate some eL4C sessions.
nelliemuller so who are you oerubot?
oerubot Jim tittsler
nelliemuller now I know you know me
nelliemuller thanks, Jim
nelliemuller enjoy your lunch

supten  Prof. Supten Sarbadhikari
Looking forward to #OERu meeting planning!
jmaddrell  Jennifer Maddrell
Hello world ... set up identi.ca account in preparation for #OERu sessions. Will be at #aect2011 at same time, so will try to keep up.
kct  Kim Tucker
Tagging along #OERu - looking out for that word #libre - http://ur1.ca/5ohwu :-).
apletters  Anil Prasad
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Formal welcome for the F2F guests at the #OERu Planning Meeting at #OtagoPolytechnic Council Room.
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Mihi Whakatau welcoming all of the guests to the #OERu meeting by the Otago community. Agenda: http://goo.gl/0IuA9
virtualmv  Michael Verhaart
Hi everyone. In identi.ca just figured out that clicking on an #OERu tag links to http://ur1.ca/5ozyc so that I can follow the stream
rcs  ramesh sharma
#OERu [OERu-2011.11] OERu stream will start soon!
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Having trouble starting the #OERu planning meeting stream. It will follow ASAP.
jimt  Jim Tittsler
The #OERu planning meeting stream is live on UStream http://ur1.ca/5p05q
rcs  ramesh sharma
I am present in #OERU
rcs  ramesh sharma
nice to meet Jim and Wayne and others in #OERu
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Great to see so many folks on #OERu both on identi.ca and Twitter. Also following the UStream chat channel... but read-only from here.
ablake888  Adam Blake
Statements of the founding partners for the Open Education Resources university #oeru streamed live at http://ur1.ca/5p0rp
rcs  ramesh sharma
Thanks Adams, for the link to the statements of the founding partners for #oeru
apletters  Anil Prasad
#OERu When d population wud touch 10 bn mark in the current cy itself, d only tools in our hands 2 meet d demand 4 HE wud b OER and ODL.
alannahfitz  Alannah Fitzgerald
Listening to #oeru on Ustream: http://identi.ca/url/39571326
jimt  Jim Tittsler
We are now able to post to the #OERu chat on http://ur1.ca/5p05q in addition to our Identi.ca and Twitter feeds.
kct  Kim Tucker
Optimistically hoped to be able to watch with free/libre software: Ubuntu/Firefox/Gnash. Has anyone managed with libre alternatives? #OERu
ablake888  Adam Blake
I tend to agree with Rory McGreal on #oeru pedagogy - seeking to endorse a single model may sidetrack planning & implementation of the OERu
virtualmv  Michael Verhaart
Kim T. I am watching with Firefox. The player for ustream however is Flash. #OERu
virtualmv  Michael Verhaart
Following 4 feeds of meeting. #ustream (+ feed), #identi.ca, #twitter (and email) .. lots happening! #oeru
virtualmv  Michael Verhaart
#OERu all over for the morning.. good to see such a diverse international group collaborating.
ProfNikiDavis  Niki Davis
@jtittsler UC made the baker's dozen - UCan goes global with #OERu looking forward to meeting f2f today http://t.co/jMyGzmjz
alexpreal  alexpreal
upcoming #oeru meeting at http://t.co/iNXzBnHI
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Formal welcome for the F2F guests at the #OERu Planning Meeting at #OtagoPolytechnic Council Room.
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Mihi Whakatau welcoming all of the guests to the #OERu meeting by the Otago community. Agenda: http://t.co/qyu38tOZ
#OERu looking forward to planning meeting today http://t.co/7ud7iPVj
virtualmv  Michael Verhaart
Hi everyone. In identi.ca just figured out that clicking on an #OERu tag links to http://t.co/rDCI9KiA so that I can follow the stream
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
Hello from NA. Glad to be here. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
Looking forward to the discussions at the #OERu #in
couki1  carol yeager
#OERu - OERUniversity http://t.co/ZRJ675G9 looking forward to the sessions
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Having trouble starting the #OERu planning meeting stream. It will follow ASAP.
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Hi everyone, waiting for #oeru to start. Trying to "tweet" from identica but cant find the box to write in. Help?
virtualmv  Michael Verhaart
Looks like there are some issues starting the stream - From Jim Tittsler ( #oeru live at http://t.co/0kyFSWFH)
virtualmv  Michael Verhaart
All live now :) Hello from NZ ( #oeru live at http://t.co/0kyFSWFH)
#oeru YAY we are on :) http://t.co/ksWHczFM
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
great to participate in #OERu Meeting ( #oeru live at http://t.co/U0JnFIsA)
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
The #OERu planning meeting stream is live on UStream http://t.co/trn1hAZj
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
RT @jtittsler: The #OERu planning meeting stream is live on UStream http://t.co/trn1hAZj
RT @jtittsler: The #OERu planning meeting stream is live on UStream http://t.co/bX0dULWi
mark_mcguire  Mark McGuire
#OERu (#OER #University) Mtg Now streaming from Dunedin, NZ #change11 #cmc11 #ds106 #eci831
andrewjlaw  Andrew Law
Hi from OU UK. Only in for a while - due to domestic pressures. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/3Lf9NiWq)
couki1  carol yeager
RT @mark_mcguire: #OERu (#OER #University) Mtg Now streaming from Dunedin, NZ #change11 #cmc11 #ds106 #eci831
couki1  carol yeager
#OERu background noise louder than speakers in broadcast
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
Hi Nellie. Good to see you. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
dendroglyph  David Porter
Excellent to be a part of this landmark event #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
alexpreal  alexpreal
Hello, great to be here ( #oeru live at http://t.co/pOAudii0)
web20education  #edtech20 project
Google launch Complete guide to #googleplus for business / pages http://t.co/cBPHhWsk #edtech20 #oeru #cpchat #lrnchat #highered #toolschat
dendroglyph  David Porter
Amazing group of academic leaders discussing OERu concept and implementation live and openly #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
Wonderful group of people / leaders at http://t.co/ksWHczFM ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
web20education  #edtech20 project
I just checked into #OERu on Ustream.Come watch and chat with me here http://t.co/87YLSTxG #edtech20 #edchat #ukedchat #elemchat #globaled11
web20education  #edtech20 project
I just checked into #OERu on Ustream.Come watch and chat with me here http://t.co/87YLSTxG #globaled11 ( #oeru live at http://t.co/87YLSTxG)
dendroglyph  David Porter
OERu anchor institutions making opening statements of opportunity and context on behalf of their institutions. #oeru
Surely #oeru will be presenting at #GlobalEd11 next week (but I can't see it in program?)
web20education  #edtech20 project
What are your favorite social networking tools to build a #PLN Repply http://t.co/4JIaI4c2 #edtech20 ( #oeru live at http://t.co/87YLSTxG)
dendroglyph  David Porter
Stream OK on the YVR end @opencontent ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
Surely #oeru will be presenting at #GlobalEd11 next week ( not in program?) ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Great to see so many folks on #OERu both on identi.ca and Twitter. Also following the UStream chat channel... but read-only from here.
dendroglyph  David Porter
Robin Day (Otago Polytechnic) and team are leaders in walking the open talk institutionally #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
LOVING all the talk about #RPL on #oeru http://t.co/ksWHczFM
BCcampus  BCcampus
RT @dendroglyph: Thanks to Judith Murray of @TRUOpenLearning for conveying the BCcampus statement at the OERu meeting #oeru
LOVING all the talk about #RPL & CBT CBA on #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
ablake888  Adam Blake
Statements of the founding partners for the Open Education Resources university #oeru streamed live at http://t.co/ZdXbaLAV
bdieu  Barbara Dieu
Listening to #oeru on Ustream: http://t.co/Y7h0R05T ( #oeru live at http://t.co/R8AQo8nC)
dendroglyph  David Porter
Judith Murray @TRUOpenLearning making the case for OERu becoming "Open Learning 2.0" with a strong PLAR approach #oeru
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Reasons given for joining #oeru: Social justice, sustainable delivery of education, new business models, disrupting education, RP/ PLAR
Tim10101  Tim Seal
Listening to OERu - OERUniversity http://t.co/Sx48Ea8Q #oeru #oer
apletters  Anil Prasad
#OERu When d population wud touch 10 bn mark in the current cy itself, d only tools in our hands 2 meet d demand 4 HE wud b OER and ODL
Great to see ‘large’ Orgs taking the lead in #oeru & good to know there is room for little orgs too? ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
Statements of the founding partners for the Open Education Resources university #oeru streamed live at http://t.co/xkCULp8L
ellen_marie  Ellen Marie Murphy
RT @ablake888: Statements of the founding partners for the Open Education Resources university #oeru streamed live at http://t.co/ZdXbaLAV
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#OER-u Great to see the mixture of skills and wisdom here. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
dendroglyph  David Porter
The cast of players at OERu meeting gives this event and its outcomes instant credibility #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
ProfNikiDavis  Niki Davis
@ProfNikiDavis @Mackiwg Just introduced UC here in the #OERu meeting - ‘UCan’ goes global with OERu. I'm inspired by new colleagues here.
richardnz  Richard Jones
I'm watching #OERu live from Otago NZ on #Ustream with great hope for the future. Hello to friends and associates. http://t.co/o9cBNgrr
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
What a rich resource amongst participants here at #OERU #in
RT @dendroglyph: The cast of players at OERu meeting gives this event and its outcomes instant credibility #oeru ( #oeru live at...
web20education  #edtech20 project
#Do is the #socialmedia productivity app for your team using #iphone #edtech20 #mlearning #pln http://t.co/HzftO8oL #tlchat #edchat #oeru
dendroglyph  David Porter
I can feel the buzz in the room in Dunedin, NZ. Let the Genie out of the bottle. #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
AlannahFitz  Alannah Fitzgerald
Listening to #oeru on Ustream: http://t.co/eWGX919g
#RPL is my PASSION feels like I have found my tribe #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
dendroglyph  David Porter
RT @LMTWR: #RPL is my PASSION feels like I have found my tribe #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
We are now able to post to the #OERu chat on http://t.co/trn1hAZj in addition to our Identi.ca and Twitter feeds.
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru is my tribe too. I was so happy when I found it. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
edaberta  Tel Amiel
Reunião da OER University, agora online #OERu http://t.co/fsFlpLWK Pena que é na NZ e o fuso é cruel.
couki1  carol yeager
@opencontent some lag and ambient noise makes speakers hard to hear well @ #OERu
alexpreal  alexpreal
RT @jmedcon: #oeru is my tribe too. I was so happy when I found it. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
web20education  #edtech20 project
#Letterpop #socialmedia #curation #edtech20 newsletter #edchat #eltchat #ukedchat #oeru #tlchat #blogchat #toolschat http://t.co/2IN6mAsU
qin2  Kim Tucker
Optimistically hoped to be able to watch with free/libre software: Ubuntu/Firefox/Gnash. Has anyone managed with libre alternatives? #OERu
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Great to see my ex-USQ fellow student Vasi (@playnice-nz) in action at #oeru :-)
BCcampus  BCcampus
RT @dendroglyph: The cast of players at OERu meeting gives this event and its outcomes instant credibility #oeru ( #oeru live at http:// ...
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Signed up for identica and tried to use it for #oeru but gave up - can't find the text box to write in!!
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
#OERU founding anchor partners to reflect on context,challenges and OERu solutions:-)#in
So cool ENCOURAGING questions from ALL :) #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
Do we question here or do we have to go to twitter or identi.ca ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
nixty  nixty
@jmedcon I think you can just drop questions here #oeru
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
@jmedcon We are watching #oeru on identi.ca and Twitter, as well as the chat on the http://t.co/io2LBlNl page.
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oer-u Do we ask questions here or do we have to go to twitter etc. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
@jmedcon The UStream #OERu chat is the most interactive, but any of the above are welcome.
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
#OERU I agree with @Judith Murray that 'we have to move away from focussing on the content and rather focus on the broad outcomes',
RT @francesferreira: #OERU I agree with @Judith Murray that 'we have to move away from focussing on the content and rather focus on the...
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
Empire State is similar to Twin Rivers. We also accept community college credits #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
Empire State is similar to Twin Rivers. We also accept community college credits #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
#oeru A ‘panel’ of advisors who Assessors could refer to help validate judgements would be good ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
#Mackiwg through #OERU Institutions will maintain their autonomy .
Does USQ have contact person for a QLD person who wants to ‘volunteer’ to help / be a part of? #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru advisers might help students I don't think the OER-u should have to agree. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
nixty  nixty
I agree that self-studying makes sense. Scales much better #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/itHL2FOf)
AlannahFitz  Alannah Fitzgerald
I agree with Rory about leaving pedagogy choices to the individual practitioner # OERu ( #oeru live at http://t.co/EY2Yx6zB)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru I agree if self-study means self-directed ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
paz11uc  Pinelopi Zaka
@AlannahFitz I also agree, adding that ongoing dialogue about pedagogy has to pe part of this too #OERu
AlannahFitz  Alannah Fitzgerald
yes, open pedagogy and reflecting on and sharing what we are doing and discovering # OERu ( #oeru live at http://t.co/EY2Yx6zB)
RT @ablake888: I tend to agree with Rory McGreal on #oeru pedagogy - seeking to endorse a single model may sidetrack planning &...
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru but students need training in self-direction...it does not come naturally. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
paz11uc  Pinelopi Zaka
RT @AlannahFitz: yes, open pedagogy and reflecting on and sharing what we are doing and discovering # OERu ( #oeru live at http://t.co/E ...
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
#Rory McGreal #OERU, discussing pedagogy may open a can of worms and delay processes #Jim Taylor 'move Pedagogy beyond traditional pedagogy
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Hard to talk about pedagogy without thinking about how assessment will be done #oeru
AlannahFitz  Alannah Fitzgerald
@jmedcon - interesting. Maybe it's the case of reclaiming self-direction away from spoon-fed ed # OERu ( #oeru live at http://t.co/EY2Yx6zB)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru The learner should experience a consistent process...pedagogy can vary ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru I agree with Rory please don't get stuck on pedagogy. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
paz11uc  Pinelopi Zaka
A level of variation will give learners more options #OERu
@jmedcon: training in self directed learning could be a 1st 'course'? ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
#Rory Mcgreal ,pedagogy should be left institutions #Narendt Baijnath is the OERU the best name? what is the value proposition #OERU
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
@Kathleenz Yes and there are rubrics out there. I have one. #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
jankenb2  Jenny Ankenbauer
Is it possible to have diverse pedagogy by a curriculum with normalizing practices instead? By normali ( #oeru live at http://t.co/ybKK4Jhd)
#oeru Freedom to 'earn a living' .. for all! I love that ..
jankenb2  Jenny Ankenbauer
2/2 normalizing practices essential core components with respect to assessment, access and content val ( #oeru live at http://t.co/ybKK4Jhd)
virtualmv  Michael Verhaart
Wayne Mac indicating no new money required to have #OERu. NMIT indicated .2 person would be employed. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/0kyFSWFH)
virtualmv  Michael Verhaart
Kim T. I am watching with Firefox. The player for ustream however is Flash. #OERu
stephenharlow  Stephen Harlow
Keeping an eye on today's #OERu planning meeting @OtagoPolytechnic http://t.co/jIadYbq0 #yam
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
@playnice_nz Thanks for sharing the whiteboard picture #oeru :-)
#oeru I wish Prof Jim Taylor was on twitter - I want to connect with him
nixty  nixty
Looking forward to supporting OERu institutions at no cost w/channels, assessments, certs & payments ( #oeru live at http://t.co/itHL2FOf)
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
@playnice_nz Thanks Vasi - really helps to get still images of whiteboard etc when participating remotely :-) #oeru
virtualmv  Michael Verhaart
Following 4 feeds of meeting. #ustream (+ feed), #identi.ca, #twitter (and email) .. lots happening! #oeru
virtualmv  Michael Verhaart
#OERu all over for the morning.. good to see such a diverse international group collaborating.
AlannahFitz  Alannah Fitzgerald
Vibrant planning meeting all! Good night from the UK. Will check in again tmrw # OERu ( #oeru live at http://t.co/EY2Yx6zB)
RT @virtualmv: #OERu all over for the morning.. good to see such a diverse international group collaborating.
mark_mcguire  Mark McGuire
Where is the physical #oeru mtg venue?
dendroglyph  David Porter
@mark_mcguire OERU meeting venue is Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin, NZ. #oeru
Wednesday, 09 November 2011, Afternoon Session
Ustream identi.ca Twitter
oerubot Discussing "what have we got?" This session tries to understand where we could start.

oerubot These slides are a small variation on the one you've seen during the "off the air" periods of the UStream channel.
kathleenz not sure if this is 'of value' - or the idea ... BUT - Could an RTO 'offer' to accredit (based on 'evidence' - BUT not actually
kathleenz put up the content of the learning?
oerubot Paul Stacey is reviewing the output at the SCoPE seminar about OERu.
kathleenz is chat working in here?
oerubot Thanks to everyone that contributed to that SCoPE seminar.
oerubot I enjoyed the diversity there.
oerubot And, yes, chat seems to be working.  :-)
kathleenz cool ..
kathleenz who is this man again?
oerubot Professor Rory McGreal (Athabasca U)
kathleenz thanks :)
oerubot I hope I spelled his name correctly.
kathleenz I am surprised the suggested 'accreditions' are so 'few'?
oerubot Have to start somewhere
kathleenz In my mind I imagined - it would be applicable to LOTS more Quailifcations
oerubot I agree.
kathleenz true ...
oerubot There will be some reporting going on in the Etherpad documents that are linked on the Agenda.
kathleenz Is the OER presenting at <URL removed>
kathleenz will we be chatting in here re this? OR .. doing our own thing?
oerubot You can chat here... or in the Etherpad documents linked on the Agenda.
oerubot The Etherpad documents are a durable group recording of thoughts in this session.
kathleenz ok cool - I have the pad open - R others 'looking' at it?
oerubot There will be some reporting going on in the Etherpad documents that are linked on the Agenda.
oerubot I'm flipping back and forth between the qualification one and the QA one.
kathleenz I can see chat options etc - will close this for now
oerubot You can enter your name by clicking the "person" icon in the upper right
oerubot That associates the contributions of your color with your name.
kathleenz does the etherpad keep disconnecting for others?
kathleenz a platform like Blackboard Collaborate could be good for whiteboard capabilities
kathleenz I have a 15 person V room i would be happy to offer - any time
kathleenz lol I keep getting disconnected on eitherpad - not sure why ... I jump in copy / paste 1 thing - get booted out - :( - But it is ok .. :)
oerubot Restarted the video stream.
nelliemuller Can't hear
nelliemuller Jim, would it be possible to fix the sound
nelliemuller now the sound is perfect
oerubot Sorry, someone switched the audio source. Glad it is sorted now.
nelliemuller thank you
nelliemuller bless you
nelliemuller where is the etherpad
nelliemuller lost sound again
nelliemuller sound back
oerubot http://abbott.bccampus.ca:9001/p/OERuSession2a
oerubot http://abbott.bccampus.ca:9001/p/OERuSession2b
oerubot courses and QA
oerubot Sorry... I forget we can't put links here
nelliemuller :)
nelliemuller I know
oerubot Both of the Etherpads are linked in the Agenda
nelliemuller right
nelliemuller Jim, what is the hashtag? Is it #OER?
oerubot #oeru
kathleenz I THINK there was a Linked In group for OER? - But I can't findts it - any hint :)
nelliemuller Excellent question from Wayne about those who feel uncomfortable.
nelliemuller lots of breaks
kathleenz lol is that a UK perosn -- re 'tea' .. :)
oerubot We're in NZ... we're more British than the UK.
kathleenz OK - so can anyone help me the Linked In group?
kathleenz LOL LOL LOL
nelliemuller what do you mean by a linkedin group
kathleenz I agree nellie - re GREAT Question - 'uncomfortable' ...
kathleenz There was (I am sure / think?) .. A Linked In (it is a site - like facebook) - Group
kathleenz .. or maybe it was just an event announcement?
kathleenz I KNOW I shared it - but can't find it now :(
oerubot I'm in a WikiEducator group on LinkedIn. Dunno about a more general OER one.
Andreas_Link @kathleenz: I know following LinkedIn groups: 'Open Educational Resources', 'OpenCourseWare Consortium' & 'Open Scout'. But: no traffic ...
kathleenz ohhh thanks - yes maybe I saw a post in one of those :)
kathleenz It does yr head in sometimes the number of places / things / sites / updates :)
kathleenz ohh is yr group (oerbot) - exclusive with only 10 members?
kathleenz While we are waiting .. another question ... (if ok?)
oerubot I don't actually use the group feature on LinkedIn. I'm more active on the mailing lists.
kathleenz-1 oh .. interesting ...
oerubot There is an oeru@groups.google.com mailing list.
kathleenz-1 If it wasn't for the groups (& discussions in) - I don't even think I would be on LI ...
kathleenz-1 isn't it interesting the different things we vlaue and use in ALL these spaces :)
kathleenz-1 Ok so my question is - I am looking to build myself a HOME ... I have been looking at 'a Wkki'
kathleenz-1 I now wonder if it would be better to do a wikieducator page ..
kathleenz-1 s?
kathleenz-1 thoughts?
oerubot I'm more of a pragmatist... use whatever you are comfortable with as long as you have (1) open license CC-BY or CC-BY-SA and (2) an open file format.
oerubot Given those two enablers, the "where" on the Internet isn't nearly as important as just getting the stuff out there.
oerubot But you are certainly welcome to use WikiEducator if that fits your style/needs.
kathleenz-1 THANKS ... u know yr comment re - where not so importantant as DO IT
kathleenz-1 really 'tapped a cord with me'
kathleenz-1 I am sure - deep down I am allowing myself to be distracted in the DOING .. by
kathleenz-1 trying to decide - and decide again .. and then re-decide
oerubot Cool. I spend a lot of time working on interoperability... and as long as there is an open (well defined) file format, moving from one place to another is just "an implemetation detail."  :-)
kathleenz-1 so 'nothing' actually gets done :)
kathleenz-1 lol - Ok - THANKS we r back :)
kathleenz-1 these handouts will be on wikki?
oerubot Yes, we will need to get them online.
kathleenz-1 sweeet - thanks :)
kathleenz-1 THANKS AGAIN for including us - it is such a GREAT learning experience JUST to be a part / watch this :)
oerubot This presentation is a little hard to hear over UStream
oerubot You can also find it on YouTube
oerubot Gabi Witthaus on the TOUCANS research into OERu
kathleenz-1 this has really been so great :)
kathleenz-1 clap clap clap
kathleenz-1 so sad it is over for us ... - now the real work will begin ;) -
kathleenz-1 only joking
kathleenz-1 bye all :)
oerubot Good afternoon everyone.

jimt  Jim Tittsler
Getting ready to start the afternoon session of the #OERu planning meeting. http://goo.gl/0IuA9
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Trying to understand "what we've got"... where can we start to build the #OERu initiative.
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Creative Commons "unplugged" workshop mentioned at #OERu meeting. http://ur1.ca/5p38e
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Paul Stacey of BC Campus is reviewing the outputs of the open #OERu seminar that SCoPE facilitated.
jimt  Jim Tittsler
#OERu breakout sessions, comments welcome in the Etherpad documents linked in the agenda.
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Prof. Jim Taylor of #USQ is describing "Open Pedagogy" at the #OERu session live on the stream at http://ur1.ca/5p05q
jimt  Jim Tittsler
I like Jim Taylor's name of "Free Range Learning" for #OER study at #OERu.
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Open Content for Educators #OCL4ED http://ur1.ca/5p6f0 at the #OERu planning meeting.
kct  Kim Tucker
#OERu We value pragmatics but moreso the ethics: freedom, equality: http://ur1.ca/5pbxg
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Is anyone recording the #oeru meeting so we can watch it later?
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Getting ready to start the afternoon session of the #OERu planning meeting. http://t.co/qyu38tOZ
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
@twitthaus Yes, we are trying to record the #OERu sessions on UStream and hope to make them available later.
topcadexperts  Joao Greno Brogueira
#OERu Inaugural Meeting Day 1 highlights and links via @twitthaus
web20education  #edtech20 project
#CollaborizeClassroom Online Education Technology 4Teachers and Students #EDTECH20 #elearning http://t.co/MkEakcMw #edchat #oeru #globaled11
qin2  Kim Tucker
#OERu We value pragmatics but moreso the ethics: freedom, equality: http://t.co/3tQ1n1T2
mark_mcguire  Mark McGuire
“@dendroglyph: "weave a tapestry", not assemble a collection of threads #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/TzmhxpX3)”
mark_mcguire  Mark McGuire
@dendroglyph: "weave a tapestry, not assemble a collection of threads" Find, analyze, synthesize, create, share. Social, constructive #oeru
mark_mcguire  Mark McGuire
@dendroglyph: "Constructing understanding, building a knowledge framework ... demonstrate competence" Suggests social, collaborative #oeru
mark_mcguire  Mark McGuire
@dendroglyph: "Constructing understanding ..." Reqs dialog with others - resource cn b Idea or shared conversation. #oeru
EvoMRI  Daniel Mietchen
RT @tbirdcymru: OERu Inaugural Meeting Day 1 highlights -Now I know what #oerten is: #OERU Tertiary Education Network! #ukoer @scoopit h ...
alexpreal  alexpreal
RT @qin2: #OERu We value pragmatics but moreso the ethics: freedom, equality: http://t.co/3tQ1n1T2
web20education  #edtech20 project
Imagining the university of the future #HigherEd http://t.co/VhfH8PtU #edtech20 #oeru #globaled11 #edchat #ukedchat #elemchat #tlchat #elt
drbexl  Dr Bex Lewis
RT @web20education: Imagining the university of the future #HigherEd http://t.co/VhfH8PtU #edtech20 #oeru #globaled11 #edchat #ukedchat ...
web20education  #edtech20 project
#TribePro Witness Power of Tribe #pln socialize,share,succed #edtech20 http://t.co/GTw6zFnP #socialmedia #edchat #tlchat #ukedchat #oeru
eslenglish  Fiona Bramble
RT @web20education: Imagining the university of the future #HigherEd http://t.co/VhfH8PtU #edtech20 #oeru #globaled11 #edchat #ukedchat ...
dendroglyph  David Porter
@mark_mcguire Point taken, Mark. Agreed. #oeru
Thursday, 10 November 2011, Morning Session
Ustream identi.ca Twitter
oerubot Convening for the second day of the OERu planning meeting.

oerubot No video available at the moment
oerubot We are about to split into smaller groups for discussion, so a short broadcast session.
oerubot There is no video stream for this introduction where we are breaking into smaller groups.
oerubot But we are sending the audio stream.

rcs  ramesh sharma
waiting for #oeru second day meeting to start within next few minutes ...
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Getting started with Day 2 of the #OERu planning meeting. http://ur1.ca/5p05q
rcs  ramesh sharma
#OERu session started, video stream seem to be slow (...may be at my end...)
rcs  ramesh sharma
Second day meeting of the #OERu founder planners started just now....
witthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Testing my new identica account. Highlights of #oeru Day 1 at http://bit.ly/vL5H4z
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Audio only stream at #OERu planning meeting for this introduction session where we are organizing into smaller sessions.
rcs  ramesh sharma
Prof. Jim Taylor sharing his thoughts on #OERu...
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Yes, there is an Etherpad document in the Agenda where everyone is welcome to contribute to this prototype planning for #OERu
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Reminder #OERu meeting agenda http://goo.gl/0IuA9 This morning's prototype discussion: http://ur1.ca/5pq0h
kubke  kubke
Anyone else not being able to get a stream from #OERu?
apletters  Anil Prasad
apletters  Anil Prasad
#OERu I strongly recommend an 'Interns System' as a verified mass of 'Academic Volunteers International' for the OERu
apletters  Anil Prasad
#OERu The OERu partners can get the post graduate students and researchers as interns to tutor our OERu stream 'global students'.
apletters  Anil Prasad
#OERu Similarly the teachers who hope for a career shift to online ODL can also join as Interns to acquire experience in the field.
jimt  Jim Tittsler
The next #OERu group session is scheduled for 13:30 NZDST (about 2 hours from now). Groups are working on prototype implementation ideas.
apletters  Anil Prasad
#OERu Thank you Jim!
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Yes, we will plan to stream/record the #OERu meeting where the groups come together to discuss their ideas.
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
waiting for #oeru second day meeting to start within next few minutes - ramesh sharma
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Looking forward to day (night) 2 of #oeru. Given up on identi.ca. Created new account and got status box but couldn't link to twitter!
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Getting started with Day 2 of the #OERu planning meeting. http://t.co/trn1hAZj
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru Hello from New York State USA ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
alexpreal  alexpreal
#oeru Hope this session is as enriching as yesterday's! ( #oeru live at http://t.co/pOAudii0)
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
Second day meeting of the #OERu founder planners started just now....
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru Wonder where the picture is. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Audio only stream at #OERu planning meeting for this introduction session where we are organizing into smaller sessions.
alexpreal  alexpreal
@jmedcon: Me too...no good remembering all the faces #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/pOAudii0)
dendroglyph  David Porter
No pic, no sound #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
dendroglyph  David Porter
OK, sound but no pic yet #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
Prof. Jim Taylor sharing his thoughts on #OERu...
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru Just a big red ? ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
Is there a way we can communicate with them? ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
dendroglyph  David Porter
I've sent a direct email and tweet to WayneM re. video glitch #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Agree it would be nice to see the people at #oeru :-) ( #oeru live at http://t.co/p7Lz9YTK)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru Thanks dendroglyph ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
dendroglyph  David Porter
RT @jtittsler: Audio only stream at #OERu planning meeting for introduction session where we are organizing into smaller sessions. Too bad.
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
We are watching the Identi.ca, Twitter, and UStream Chat streams at the #OERu planning meeting... so you ARE communicating with us. :-)
ProfNikiDavis  Niki Davis
@rc4u2nv #oeru the challenge is finding how to start - even today in the framing the working groups. Remembing this is co-evolution x 1000s
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
I wonder if they will have something for us to do? ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
alexpreal  alexpreal
thnks dendroglyph#oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/pOAudii0)
dendroglyph  David Porter
From Jim ... RT @jtittsler: Audio only stream at #OERu planning meeting for introduction session ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Yes, there is an Etherpad document in the Agenda where everyone is welcome to contribute to this prototype planning for #OERu
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
@jtittsler tweeted earlier "Audio only stream at #OERu planning meeting for this introduction..." ( #oeru live at http://t.co/p7Lz9YTK)
IrwinDev  Irwin DeVries
@twitthaus @jtittsler #oeru Just checked--looks like there's a video problem
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
@Tittsler says there is an Etherpad document in Agenda where everyone is welcome to contribute #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/p7Lz9YTK)
alexpreal  alexpreal
@twitthaus @dendroglyph thnks for sharing #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/pOAudii0)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru Thanks I hate to be completely useless :-( ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Reminder #OERu meeting agenda http://t.co/qyu38tOZ This morning's prototype discussion: http://t.co/A0TddRqK
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
what would be the policy on credit transfer for #OERu students ( #oeru live at http://t.co/U0JnFIsA)
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Etherpad link: http://t.co/91SK01H7 ( #oeru live at http://t.co/p7Lz9YTK)
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
@teitthaus Thanks for the Etherpad link ( #oeru live at http://t.co/U0JnFIsA)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru rc4u2nv Each institution will have its own policies. For some it will be easy for others hard ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
#oeru etherpad link for remote participants on decision-making for the 2012 #OERu prototype: http://t.co/vlYz9IU9
alexpreal  alexpreal
@twitthaus: you're brilliant :)#oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/pOAudii0)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
Should we move to the etherpad and talk there. I am not getting much from this ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
@alexpreal: lol just reading multiple streams ;-) ( #oeru live at http://t.co/p7Lz9YTK)
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
@Joyce.. thanks ( #oeru live at http://t.co/U0JnFIsA)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
I saw a collaboration die on this credit issue...:-( ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
jankenb2  Jenny Ankenbauer
Value in any instructional system comes from assessment 1/2 ( #oeru live at http://t.co/ybKK4Jhd)
dendroglyph  David Porter
RT @jmedcon: I saw a collaboration die on this credit issue...:-( ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY) Yup, retro rears up.
jankenb2  Jenny Ankenbauer
what is assessed is what is valued; what is valued becomes the focus of activity. 2/2 ( #oeru live at http://t.co/ybKK4Jhd)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru I saw credit issues kill a similar initiative...:-( ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
dendroglyph  David Porter
RT @jankenb2: what is assessed is what is valued; what is valued becomes the focus of activity. 2/2 ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
May be like mega open universities can take a lead in agreeing upon a credit transfer scheme ( #oeru live at http://t.co/U0JnFIsA)
dendroglyph  David Porter
@jankenb2 The issue for me is falling back too early on existing practice without divining or considering look-ahead alternatives. #oeru
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
hope the video will be enabled in next session ( #oeru live at http://t.co/U0JnFIsA)
ProfNikiDavis  Niki Davis
@jmedcon #oeru be useful to know a bit more about that Joyce
alexpreal  alexpreal
@rc4u2nv: I agree, European ECTS is far from perfect but is alive & kicking #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/pOAudii0)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oer Empire State College has a very liberal transfer policy. I am worried about the more traditional ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
anugungadeen: Each institution only accrediting its own courses? ( #oeru live at http://t.co/p7Lz9YTK)
jankenb2  Jenny Ankenbauer
@francesferreira Thxs. Familiar with SOLO? http://t.co/FQ3C9GBM ( #oeru live at http://t.co/ybKK4Jhd)
dendroglyph  David Porter
@twitthaus Yeah, it sounds like this is a default position as of now. Too early for convergent thinking, unfortunately. #oeru
alexpreal  alexpreal
@jmedcon: fully understand but will conservative institutions join #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/pOAudii0)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru @twitthaus All colleges agreeing to accept these credits. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
dendroglyph  David Porter
#OERu -> How about enabling video for the next session? Please.
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
@jankenb2 No, Thanks for the link.I will check it out #OERU
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru @twitthaus I don't think we will care...open invitation. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
RT @dendroglyph: #OERu -> How about enabling video for the next session? Please.
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
#OERu see you again soon ( #oeru live at http://t.co/U0JnFIsA)
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Seems like we have 2 hrs 15 mins to write our ideas on etherpad :-) #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/p7Lz9YTK)
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
@alexpreal: I don't think #oeru is for conservative institutions ;-) ( #oeru live at http://t.co/p7Lz9YTK)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
Let's go to Etherpad. I have a student in less than an hour. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
@jmedcon: I agree. Let's try to finish in that time. #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/p7Lz9YTK)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru I am there already. Please join me. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
good morning all :) ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
jankenb2  Jenny Ankenbauer
SOLO tax is an instrument for complex problems. http://t.co/iMR48R4p 1/2 ( #oeru live at http://t.co/ybKK4Jhd)
jankenb2  Jenny Ankenbauer
2/2 The SOLO taxonomy as a framework of assessment means all pedagogy can be considered. #OERU ( #oeru live at http://t.co/ybKK4Jhd)
dendroglyph  David Porter
Hey, we're really cooking in the Etherpad back-channel #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
Loving the #oeru conversation taking place on etherpad! http://t.co/91SK01H7 ( #oeru live at http://t.co/p7Lz9YTK)
RT @twitthaus: Loving the #oeru conversation taking place on etherpad! http://t.co/nTlR9f7q ( #oeru live at...
jankenb2  Jenny Ankenbauer
@francesferreira are you participating #Change11 MOOC? I am and I find it a good exercise for considering it an option for the #OERu. #OER
jankenb2  Jenny Ankenbauer
@francesferreira are you participating #Change11 MOOC? I am and I find it an excellent option for the #OERu. #OER
dendroglyph  David Porter
And here's Wordle to go with etherpad http://t.co/TZgErRTK ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
Kubke  Fabiana Kubke
Anyone else not being able to get a stream from #OERu?
Thanks for a great session #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
dendroglyph  David Porter
@Kubke I think the meeting is in break-out sessions and will be back in about 10 minutes #oeru
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
@Kubke #oeru stream is off while groupwork taking place. Remote participants have been discussing at http://t.co/91SK01H7
Kubke  Fabiana Kubke
@twitthaus @dendroglyph Thanks - Confused since programme has this slot as 'Live Plenary' - Will check back later then #oeru
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
The next #OERu group session is scheduled for 13:30 NZDST (about 2 hours from now). Groups are working on prototype implementation ideas.
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
@jtittsler Thanks. Will u be videoing the later sessions? (In case I can't stay awake?!) #oeru
twitthaus  Gabi Witthaus
@jtittsler I meant will you be recording the later sessions for later viewing? #oeru
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Yes, we will plan to stream/record the #OERu meeting where the groups come together to discuss their ideas.
dendroglyph  David Porter
@jtittsler Thanks for timing update, Jim. You have an audience out here in the virtual space, curious about today's proceedings. #oeru
Thursday, 10 November 2011, Afternoon Session
Ustream identi.ca Twitter

kathleenz hi all :)
kathleenz just got to say again how GOOD this has been - THANKS :)
oerubot Now reviewing the "next steps" for implementing #OERu... the suggested outcomes from the morning discussions.
oerubot You can follow the group discussions in the Etherpads linked from the Agenda page.
oerubot This is the "Group 1" review.
kathleenz They are talking about some of the things we were talking about? #oeru ?
kathleenz OR was it from thier own F2F meetings?
oerubot These are the groups that discussed the prototype this morning.
oerubot Each has its own Etherpad summary of their discussions.
oerubot And, in addition, the "virtual participants" had a wider discussion of these issues in their own Etherpad document.
kathleenz oh cool - thanks - interesting that they (F2F) - also touched on things we (virtual) did :)
kathleenz oh .. echos???
oerubot ?
kathleenz sounds like it is being said x2 - with a delay?
oerubot Good, because we couldn't find a problem.  :-)
oerubot Video stream will resume in about 15 minutes. (15:00 NZDST)
kathleenz You have a done a great job in here :)

jimt  Jim Tittsler
#OERu planning meeting will be resuming in about 8-10 minutes with a review of group discussions.
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Now hearing the "next steps" and "smaller pieces" that the morning sessions have suggested for implementing #OERu.
jimt  Jim Tittsler
This is the "Group 1" #OERu review... follow along with collaborative docs using the Etherpad links in the Agenda. http://goo.gl/0IuA9
apletters  Anil Prasad
#OERu In the same way the 10 bn + world would embrace ODL+OER as the main stream HE sys, it would also required to be adopt open governance
apletters  Anil Prasad
#OERu In the same way the 10 bn + world would embrace ODL+OER as the main stream HE sys, it would also required to adopt open governance
apletters  Anil Prasad
#OERu Most importantly both the approaches (ODL + OER & Open Governance) are environment friendly
apletters  Anil Prasad
#OERu In the respect, perhaps, OERu would also be showcasing the spirits of global environment protection initiatives as well
jimt  Jim Tittsler
@apletters Yes, I think the #OERu reuse scheme fits very naturally with sustainability initiatives.
apletters  Anil Prasad
@jimt Systems like UNCCC etc should also join hands with #OERu 4 the spread of environment-friendly techs thru OERu courses
jimt  Jim Tittsler
It really is striking how the #OERu virtual community document parallels the discussions here. Seems to be a LOT of common ground.
apletters  Anil Prasad
@jimt It justifies our open planning strategy #OERu
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Photo of the #OERu planning meeting representatives http://goo.gl/vQsZi
jimt  Jim Tittsler
We even included the "virtual participants" in the #OERu meeting photo, represented by the backchanbbbbbel display. :-) Thanks to you all!
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Robin Day, Otago Polytechnic (and OER Foundation), is summarizing and closing the #OERu planning meeting that OP has hosted.
jimt  Jim Tittsler
Nice "meeting" you all during the #OERu planning meeting. We are all looking forward to your collaboration in the wiki, mailing lists, etc
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
For initial courses ,what is relevant for the needs in the developing world? #OERU #in ( #oeru live at http://t.co/YIQiD8MP)
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
joycewangui: yes,and therefore we should carefully plan for dealing with the challenge:-) ( #oeru live at http://t.co/YIQiD8MP)
paz11uc  Pinelopi Zaka
Proposals for action for the implementation of the 2012 #OERu prototype --> live streaming in less than an hour http://t.co/ptlraO7N
Is Prof Jim Taylor the #USQ contact person? (sorry i missed it) #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
VUSSC TQF framework http://t.co/FMvH0ewv ( #oeru live at http://t.co/YIQiD8MP)
I hope the F2F ppl have enjoyed the last 2 days as much as the virtual ppl have :) #oeru http://t.co/6EAgxJ32
I hope the F2F ppl have enjoyed the last 2 days as much as the virtual ppl have :) #oeru http://t.co/o7Wh3ugN
savisingh  Savithri Singh
No, I 'm here in my personal capacity as FTE4WE member of the OER Foundation ( #oeru live at http://t.co/rquBGJf4)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
@savisingh: Oh I thought I had seen you yesterday. I hope your University does join ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
savisingh  Savithri Singh
@jmedcon: I am here at Dunedin in the meeting physically and participating in it!! :) ( #oeru live at http://t.co/rquBGJf4)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
#oeru@savisingh Thanks for joining us virtual folks. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
savisingh  Savithri Singh
@jmedcon: I hope so too -DU join, I mean. ( #oeru live at http://t.co/rquBGJf4)
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Photo of the #OERu planning meeting representatives http://t.co/XerU2HdV
dendroglyph  David Porter
You need to pick an NGLC topic that could only be accomplished through a collaboration #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
We even included the "virtual participants" in the #OERu meeting photo, represented by the backchannel display. :-) Thanks to you all!
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
I hope they do the whole model not just testing... ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
dendroglyph  David Porter
NGLC funds initiatives that can demonstrate "scalability." #oeru ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
Ahhh ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
francesferreira  Frances Ferreira
RT @jtittsler: Photo of the #OERu planning meeting representatives http://t.co/XerU2HdV
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
Like the idea of the preparation for success process ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
batboldz  batbold
@dendroglyph: where we can find more info on NGLC? ( #oeru live at http://t.co/CwF9FkKa)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
And using existing OER for them ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
I think the RFP is in the schedule for this meeting http://t.co/Bc2h5Vgj ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
dendroglyph  David Porter
@batboldz Hi Batbold. Look here to: http://t.co/3BGoHAIa ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
batboldz  batbold
@jmedcon: thanks. need to register ( #oeru live at http://t.co/CwF9FkKa)
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Robin Day, Otago Polytechnic (and OER Foundation), is summarizing and closing the #OERu planning meeting that OP has hosted.
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
good deliberations! ( #oeru live at http://t.co/U0JnFIsA)
dendroglyph  David Porter
@batboldz ...and here from development initiatives http://t.co/sXVBFX3h ( #oeru live at http://t.co/NMzJlozY)
batboldz  batbold
@dendroglyph: thanks David ( #oeru live at http://t.co/CwF9FkKa)
ProfNikiDavis  Niki Davis
Virtual Schooling cautiously included among the goals of #oeru with an understanding of the need to take care K-12 and ease transition to HE
RT @jtittsler: Robin Day, Otago Polytechnic (and OER Foundation), is summarizing and closing the #OERu planning meeting that OP has hosted.
#oeru ... A bit sad to see the planning days come to an end :(
#oeru .. I love Mutual Admiration Groups :)
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
Uni of Delhi taking a lead in India for #OERu - Dr Savithri Singh ( #oeru live at http://t.co/U0JnFIsA)
Thats to all who chatted in here too :) ( #oeru live at http://t.co/jZtNK0Py)
jtittsler  Jim Tittsler
Nice "meeting" you all during the #OERu planning meeting. We are all looking forward to your collaboration in the wiki, mailing lists, etc
jmedcon  Joyce McKnight
I hope to work with you all for years to come ( #oeru live at http://t.co/OEPK5wCK)
dendroglyph  David Porter
#OERu Make it happen.
rc4u2nv  Ramesh Sharma
Hema ji many thanks - ramesh sharma ( #oeru live at http://t.co/U0JnFIsA)
niyambhushan  Niyam Bhushan
RT @savisingh: I'm waiting for when Delhi University will join the OERu!! ( #oeru live at http://t.co/rquBGJf4)
Shusmo  Khaled El Ahmad
RT @web20education: Google launch Complete guide to #googleplus for business / pages http://t.co/cBPHhWsk #edtech20 #oeru #cpchat #lrnch ...
pierrepetrelli  Petrelli Pierre
RT @web20education: Google launch Complete guide to #googleplus for business / pages http://t.co/cBPHhWsk #edtech20 #oeru #cpchat #lrnch ...
RT @dendroglyph: #OERu Make it happen.
RT @jtittsler: Nice "meeting" you all during the #OERu planning meeting. We are all looking forward to your collaboration in the wiki,...

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