Nutritional Chemistry and Biochemistry

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This course entails the study of nutritional chemical composition of foods and their assimilation into the human body.

Icon objectives.jpg

At the end of this course the students should have learnt:

  1. Components of nutrition
  2. Chemical composition of foods
  3. Human body nutritional requirements
  4. Interaction between food components that affect bioavailability of nutrients
  5. Effect of nutrients deficiency to human health

Definition of new Terminologies

  • Nutritional chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Bioavailability
  • Bioaccessibility
  • Deficiency
  • Assimilation

About the Course

The course is composed of an introduction,course content and questions that the student is supposed to attempt.

However, before we continue, let us do a little test to determine your ability to pursue this course.IQ Test

Chapter 1


What is nutritional chemistry?

This is the science of components of food that are of benefit to the human body.

What is nutritional biochemistry?

This is the science of how foods are assimilated into the human body system and its interactions.

Chapter 2

components of foods

  1. Carbohydrates - composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
  2. Proteins - Composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.
  3. Lipids - Composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen. Are not soluble in water.
  4. Minerals- Macro-minerals -These includes the minerals that are required >1.0 gram per day in the body.Micro-minerals-These includes the minerals that are required <1.0 gram per day in the body.
  5. Moisture - Its the water.
  6. Vitamins - Water-soluble vitamins- These are B complexvitamins and C.Fat-soluble vitamins -These are ADE and K.

Food security

Chapter 3

Unique features of malnutrition

Malnutrition has distinct effects on human health.

Arid areas have a high prevalence for malnutrition.

Table of Food composition

To read more.composition

Name Protein (%) Carbohydrates (%) Lipids (%) Ash (%) Moisture(%)
Meat 25 2 10 1 65
Banana 1 69 10 1 25
Cabbage 3 12 10 1 70
Pawpaw 3 35 10 1 55
Termites 35 4 10 1 60


To calculate the extent of malnutrition, the following equations can be applied with regard to a specific population.


Where x variable is the malnutrition co-efficient and y is the population co-efficient.